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Sasuke followed Kakashi to another part of the training field. He was confused what exactly they needed to talk about.

All Sasuke knew is that he didn't want the Jonin holding Hinata bridal style. He felt green with jealousy. Hinata was his no one else's. Sasuke felt frustrated that he felt this way towards the girl. He just met her! He doesn't understand his feelings.

"So, Sasuke-kun~ I have a special little mission just for you" Kakashi had a devious look in his eye.

'This doesn't look too good' Sasuke picked up in his off body language.

"What is it?" the Uchiha said plainly.

"Hinata has a little fainting problem because she has a crush on Naruto right? She can't handle physical contact with him. Sooo, that's where you come in" the Jonin placed Hinata down by a tree.

"Spill it out sensei!" Sasuke was getting irritated.

"Help her to get over physical contact with Naruto by turning into him" Kakashi said nonchalantly.

"What?! Are you insane?!" the Uchiha hated this idea. Yes, maybe it could help but he was already having a hard time discerning his own feelings. Kakashi asking to get more physical could make him confused further.

"Consider this a treat for you" Kakashi winked at the boy and walked away.

"I didn't say yes!!" Sasuke yelled.

"I'll fail you if you don't" the Jonin waved a farewell from the distance.

"Argh... This sucks..." Sasuke sat next to Hinata by the tree.

Hinata woke up and noticed everyone was gone except Sasuke.

"D-Did I faint again?" Hinata played with her fingers embarrassed.

"Hmn" the raven wondered how he would bring up this topic.

"I-I should go home... Thank you f-for staying with me Uchiha-san" Hinata bowed and started to leave but Sasuke grabbed her wrist.

"U-Uchiha-san?" the girl was thoroughly confused.

"Kakashi gave me a mission but... It's kinda awkward" Sasuke sighed.

"W-What m-mission?" Hinata tilted her head in perplexed.

"To stop you from fainting in front of Naruto all the time" Sasuke rubbed his head from the giant headache he had.

"W-What??!" Hinata hid her face in embarrassment.

"Look it's no secret you like the idiot. You are going to drag out whole team down if you don't get used to him" Sasuke hated that Hinata liked the dumb blonde but maybe she could get over him.

"...." the girl sat down thinking about what he said. It is true that fainting would be bad during a mission. But how could Sasuke help with that? Shouldn't it be Naruto doing this quote on quote mission?

"O-Okay... W-What is your idea?" Hinata looked at the boy wearily.

(⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ x ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)

Meanwhile, Naruto was hiding behind a bush to see what Kakashi wanted the Sasuke for. But by the time he got there it was only Sasuke and Hinata left.

"Henge no Jutsu!" Sasuke turned into Naruto.

"What the heck is that teme doing?!" Naruto pulled his blonde hair.

"W-What are you doing?" Hinata jumped up in shock.

Sasuke approached the girl with a smirk pinning her to a tree.

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