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Hinata sat quietly in the corner of the classroom. She anxiously scanned the room for the golden boy but was nowhere in sight.

'Did he not pass?'

The lavender eyes girl slumped on her chair. Although Hinata admired the blue eyed boy, she knew he did not excel academically. But she felt he made up for it in spirit. He was alienated from everyone but always wore a cheeky smile. That's what she loved the most about him. The inner strength no one could hide. She wanted to be like him. To have a happy disposition despite silent oppression.

Many times she wanted to approach him. Be friends with him but the harsh words from her clan members and father repeated in her head.

"You are useless!"

"You are not worthy of being clan leader"

"Your little sister is stronger than you"

"You're weak, you can't escape destiny"

Hinata became a wilted rose. Broken down by the emotional abuse. She felt unworthy of friends or family. The Hyuga recoiled within herself.

The girls hands would tremble at the thought that Naruto would feel the same as the rest of her clan- as her father. So, she studied hard to prove her worth. Silently climbing to the top of the class with the exception of the Uchiha.

Hinata took another glace at the door. Small fingers anxiously rubbed long midnight locks. The girl grew her hair out as a remembrance of her mother. She remembers the beautiful midnight tresses that tickled cheeks. The last time she felt loved. Hinata remembers her father saying how her hair would be just as beautiful as mother's. But now, her father saw it as a painful reminder of his deceased wife.

The door cracked open. Hinata jumped from her seat in quiet anticipation. Hints of sun kissed locks peaked through the door. A wide smile erupted from the golden boy's face sporting the Kohona headband.

Everyone looked at the sun kissed boy in shock. Hinata heart fluttered with relief.

'He passed'

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