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Sasuke roamed aimlessly around the training fields. He gave up chasing the yellow idiot that was replaced with contemplation. The Hyuga girl seemed to scratch her way into his brain. The image of her tears softly falling down her rosy cheeks with eyes that told a story etched in pain. He felt like he was looking at his younger self in the mirror before all emotions were replaced with hatred.

The raven haired boy lost track of time with his walk. It was about time to meet the new sensei. He u-turned back to the academy.

Naruto was already sitting in the classroom completely unaware of the events that took place after his diarrhea episode. The boy was thankful that his intestines finally settled down after a few rounds at the golden throne.

Sasuke walked in with a scowl on his face upon seeing Naruto. That idiot tried to kiss Sakura looking like him.

"What type of stupid trick were you trying to pull idiot?" Sasuke growled.

"Nothing... Just make Sakura hate you but... I kinda got carried away" Naruto chuckled nervously.

"You think?!" Sasuke snapped.

"It's not like it was on purpose! How can I say no to Sakura-chan's kiss" Naruto protests.

"Not even in my body could you get a girl to kiss you" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"You wanna bet!" Naruto slammed his hand on the table.

"A bet like that is a waste of my time"

"What are you chicken? Scared you are going to lose to me" Naruto starts clucking like a chicken.

"I'm not loser!" Sasuke grit his teeth.

"Then prove it TEME! I bet I can kiss a girl before you! Whoever loses has to drop out of the team" Naruto smiles widely point his index finger at Sasuke.

Now Sasuke was interested in the bet. Anything to get the loser away from him.

"Fine. This should be easy" Sasuke smirked.


"But what loser!" Sasuke scowled.

"To make it even it has to be someone not interested in any of us" Naruto laid down his contingency.

"Whatever loser. Who do you have in mind?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Hummm..." Naruto took a long pause thinking of a non-Uchiha fangirl.

"Spill it loser!"


Sasuke froze, out of everyone the last person he wanted to bet with was her. Naruto has the advantage in this bet with Hinata giant puppy crush.

"What about your precious Sakura-chan? Are you okay just kissing another girl?" Sasuke said Sakura's name sarcastically.

"One kiss is not a problem with me. Hinata is pretty cute. And Sakura is pretty angry at me now. Sooo..." Naruto scratched his head nervously.

Sasuke grinded his teeth at the thought of the blonde loser kissing Hinata. New feelings gurgled up his underbelly of needing to possess the Hyuga girl. The last time he felt jealousy was with his brother. Sasuke couldn't shake his head on why he felt the same towards the Hyuga.

"What makes you think Hinata's not interested in me?" Sasuke leaned over the desk taunting the blonde.

"Ino said she isn't interested in you" Naruto flashes a cheeky smile.

"Whatever. I'm still going to win this bet. Be ready to drop out loser" Sasuke smirks pushing the blonde's buttons.

Naruto might have the advantage but he has Hinata's notebook containing all the secrets of her heart.

"As if I'll win dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed.


The girl softly hummed while making her little sister lunch. Her long midnight hair swayed as she finished cooking lunches for all her team, her father, Hanabi, and Neji.

Hanabi cheeks puffed in delight like a chipmunk. Her eyes closed savoring the food her sis made. Hanabi loved her big sister's cooking. She imagined it was similar to what their mom would have cooked, if she met her. The young Hyuga clung onto Hinata like the mother she never had.

Hanabi yanked the ends of her lacy white apron.

"Hey sis! Why are you making more than one lunch?" Hanabi fully untied her apron.

"Hey! Hahaha. I'm making lunch for my teammates and new sensei. I don't think they had time to eat... Well except Sasuke who stole my lunch. And one for Neji-niisan and father" Hinata rubbed her sister's head.

"Sasuke ate your lunch? Did you eat with him? Was it a date?" Hanabi moon eyes sparkled.

"N-No n-no no. H-He just took my lunch... As revenge he said..." Hinata's stutter came back full force.

"Revenge?" Hanabi raised her right brow inquisitively.

"For using him as a lap pillow..." Hinata looked away embarrassed.

"Oh my gosh you two are an item!" Hanabi squealed.

"Nooo!!! I fainted on him by accident" Hinata covered her flushed face.

"Let me guess... Naruto touched you" Hanabi rolled her eyes.

"I-I umm..." The lavender eyes girl was barely audible now.

"I swear I don't know where you get your taste in men. I have no idea why you would like the man who graffitied the Hokage monument" Hanabi half snickered.

"Hanabi!" Hinata pouted.

Her little sister knew exactly what buttons to push. Just like a certain Uchiha.

Before Hanabi could answer back Hinata started freaking out at the time.

"Oh my gosh! I'm late for meeting the new sensei!" Hinata quickly grabbed the bento boxes.

"See you tonight Hanabi-chan" Hinata gave her sister a tight hug.

"Too tighttt" Hanabi tried to squirm out of her grip.

"Call it revenge" Hinata giggled.

"Sasuke is a bad influence on you" Hanabi pouted.

Hinata giggled and ran off to the academy.

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