Chapter 90 - The last Spark

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An uncertain spark flashed in Dylan's dark eyes for a heartbeat—a mixture of caught fear and unspoken pain

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An uncertain spark flashed in Dylan's dark eyes for a heartbeat—a mixture of caught fear and unspoken pain. In fact, Ray seemed to have finally gotten through to Dylan as he pulled back further and pressed his lips together into a thin line.

"How...?" he heard the soft words before Dylan shook his head vigorously and tightened up again. The sparkle in his eyes disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Ray had already opened his mouth when Dylan interrupted him without him being able to say anything. "You have no idea what it's like to return after months in the field and have no peace of mind."

'What the fuck?' The thought flashed through Ryker's mind, and his shoulders seemed tense.

He didn't know what it was like to come back from a mission? What it felt like to see shadows flitting around every corner? The feeling of not breathing as the walls drew closer and closer, waiting in the darkness for the crack of gunfire and the tremor of explosions?

Had Dylan lost his mind?

Ryker knew all too well!

Although he hadn't served for years, the darkness haunted his every move. Whenever he turned his head, he had to look twice to make sure the gun barrel wasn't pointed at him. Even today, after hard days, his dreams were restless. Even today, the rumble of thunder made his forehead sweat and robbed him of sleep.

"Wherever I went, their footsteps followed me. Liam stomped through the house and whined repeatedly; he wanted to play. War, war, war, even at home! All I heard were complaints - just theatre. Kaylen complained about Mum, and Mum complained about her. All I wanted to do was rest. But no, everyone was complaining! Is it too much to ask for something warm on the table after weeks of eating only cold food from a tin? Is it too much to ask to close your eyes and relax after endless tension?"

Was Dylan even listening to himself?

Ray's jaw ached; he had to clench his teeth so hard as the words hit him like blows. The dam continued to break with every stroke of his tongue, making his well-trained body tremble with rage. His heart pounded in his chest as if he were running a marathon, and his blue-grey eyes darkened.

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