Chapter 60 - The noble Savior

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The doctor's eyes widened slightly as his gaze slid over Eve again more deliberately, as if he needed to ensure he wasn't dreaming. »That... Eve, um... wow, you look very... different,« the usually confident doctor stammered, his gaze lingering on the red curls falling around Evelyn's face.

Then he seemed to remember the accident, grimaced briefly, and reached for the tray to help her with the mess of glasses and spilled drinks.

»I'm sorry ... I didn't see you and ... Crap,« Eve mumbled in the meantime, and Jonathan jumped away to grab napkins from the next table.

He enthusiastically helped her dab the mess from her dress, and Eve's pulse quickened as soon as she noticed his gaze lingered a little longer on the drops that rolled down her cleavage.

»No, that was my fault. I wasn't paying attention either,« he replied with a smile and shielded her a little from the next jostlers with his body. »Come on, I'll walk you to the toilet. Maybe you can wash it out a bit,« he suggested - and kept his word. He accompanied her and waited outside the door while Eve tried to somehow get the alcohol mixture out of her dress and the ends of her hair with soap and water - to no avail. The muck only mixed worse with the gunk from the cheap soap and water, making her feel even more disgusting in the end.

Frustrated, Eve stared at her reflection in the mirror and wondered why fate kept putting obstacles in her way. She only wanted to spend a lovely evening with Ri when she could feel beautiful and good. But now?

Now, the ends of her hair were dripping, and it felt like everything was sticky. She smelled like an alcoholic mixed with soap and felt ... awful. The thing with Sally had upset her more than it seemed, and at that moment, she would have instead poured the alcohol down her throat rather than onto her dress to get rid of the rock in her stomach.

»Why can't something ... go well...« Eve mumbled, her shoulders drooping and brushing one of the red curls from her forehead. One night. That was all she had wanted. But ... this girls' night was over.

Eve couldn't stop her throat from constricting and tears from welling up in her eyes.

Ri should be having fun, not another ball and chain. Ri had tried to bottle her up, but that didn't help anymore. The men who made her feel like a nuisance and not enough, Sally's words that had opened up old wounds, the accident with the alcohol and her dress...

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