Chapter 76 - The Trail of the Protector

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'Bloody hell,' Ryker thought, and part of him was glad the curse didn't come out of his mouth

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'Bloody hell,' Ryker thought, and part of him was glad the curse didn't come out of his mouth. It would have only frightened Eve further and fuelled her worries and self-recriminations.

Nevertheless, with his eyes wide open, he rushed towards the agitated dog, who had just started to whine and whimper pitifully in front of Eve.

Almost a little roughly, he grabbed the dark, thick leather collar with the flashing silver tag that the German shepherd always wore and pulled him towards him. Ray didn't think about what he was doing. Especially not about the effect this small but significant movement had on him.


Instinctively, his body had followed a familiar pattern. They had worked with dogs in the army. With his legs drawn up in a V, he pulled the male dog between them by his collar and held him with his muzzle in the direction he had come from. At the sound of his nickname, Ray flinched as if under a whiplash and became aware of the here and now.


When he turned his head, he saw Eve's startled face. Her eyes were wide open, and her panic had wholly taken over because of what he had done. He could see her clearly. All that was missing was the horrified scream on her lips. So much for him trying to control himself to be her rock...

At the same time, he groaned inwardly and cursed himself for this rash act.

Eve was already under a lot of pressure as a mother. Much more than he could have imagined, even though the little whirlwind had become more and more like a son to him over the last few weeks. Liam meant so much more to him than he realized. But that was nothing compared to Eve. The little button was her flesh and blood. Her everything, and she had proven that more than once. He couldn't even imagine how significant the burden that she felt on her shoulders at that moment and how much the worry weighed her down. Especially because Eve was constantly worrying about everything anyway.

That was precisely why he should have remained calm. He should never have shown his anxiety and growing fear so openly and blatantly.

But now the die was cast.

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