Chapter 83 - The Gruesome Truth

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That look.

The dark eyes, like those of a predator. Lurking. Always ready to fight, ready to kill.

Ryker knew those eyes far too well, but not in the same way as their enemies. For a moment, Ray felt transported back to the base.

He remembered the loud laughter of his comrades, who had all been like brothers to each other. It was a small spark of light in an otherwise dark time, which they clung to and held on to. The hands that tapped on tense shoulders after a hard day.

The words of days gone by haunted his mind like phantoms:

"Seriously, Dylan, if you keep this up, we'll have to worry about being let back home."

"Yeah, not that we'll be categorized as a threat because even the desert snakes are having nightmares about you!"

Dylan's comrades often praised and even admired him for his commitment. He was a born soldier, a fighter through and through, even if he was sometimes a little rash.

Ray's teeth clenched tightly as he struggled to keep his expression neutral. Even though his eyes were glued to his former comrade like chewing gum to the sole of a shoe and, the fire in his veins was burning like hellfire.

'Please, don't provoke him ...'

His gaze jerked briefly to Eve beside him and slid down to her. He could see how her tense shoulders and fingers fought against the trembling.

Not. Provoke. Him.

A growl full of dissatisfaction, self-hatred, and anger rumbled deep in Ryker's chest, but he had to suppress it with all his might, and under no circumstances should it find its way out.

Who had provoked whom first?

That wanker, that scumbag, that traitorous rat had taken advantage of HIM and put him in this situation! No matter how much Dylan smiled and tried to save the collapsing house of cards. He had fooled him once; he wouldn't be able to do it again!

It was Dylan's luck that Ryker's hands were tied at that moment. For one thing, the sleeping boy on his back was oblivious to all the commotion. And he would rather not change that - especially after the incident today. Ray didn't want to imagine how Liam might react if he saw his father now. On the other hand, Dylan's appearance put the supposed handyman in a no less awkward situation. Dylan could turn the whole web of his lies into a noose that could break his neck at any moment.

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