Chapter 33 - Too close to the Sun

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- A short time earlier -

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- A short time earlier -

»Please, stop that. You're making even me nervous.«

Ryker reached for her hand, which she had probably been tapping on the dashboard for minutes, lost in thought. He gently encircled her fingers with his and squeezed them lightly. As if her whole body wasn't already tense enough, it tingled directly in her fingers and spread little, scurrying ants throughout her body. At the same time, it felt like a support for a teetering tower of cards inside her, allowing her to take a deep breath.

»I'm sorry,« Eve mumbled, running her hands over her face as the first buildings of Silvershore passed them by. »I'm incredibly nervous. I ... this has been my dream for a long time.« Eve pushed a strand of hair behind her left ear and tried not to slide back and forth in the car seat. »My own shop. Standing on my own two feet and trying out new things.«

The corners of her mouth lifted automatically as she thought about how happy she would be and Liam, too. He loved being in the kitchen with her. They had been baking and cooking together since he was little. They would whip up something delicious together whenever they felt lonely or Liam was sad. Between sugar, flour, and fragrant cakes, they could forget everything. They laughed there, no matter how dark the world around them seemed. When she was tired of shedding tears, when she almost broke down from worry or the silence in the flat, she would sit down and lose herself in her recipes.

»Don't forget to buy something suitable. When I get back, we'll have something to celebrate,« she said as she exited the car. The self-confidence and sheer optimism were an act, nothing more. She was incredibly nervous and felt like she was walking on a tightrope - with nothing but an abyss to the right and left. But she would never admit that. She had to pull herself together and take courage if she didn't want to lose her balance.
»Today will be a good day. The start of something new. I'm sure of it.«

How wrong she was.


Eve looked at her watch. She didn't like the fact that the conversation about the shop was taking place in the Bluebird Café of all places, but today, even that wouldn't upset her. Her gaze slid downwards and met her nervous reflection in the window pane.

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