~47~ "Flu Shots."

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"Why are you watching High School Musical?" I chuckled, sitting down next to Michael on the floor in the living room. Posi sat up on the couch and Willow was lying on her back on the floor. Michael was trying to teach her to support herself while sitting.

"We're showing her the scripture." Posi said, I looked back at her, she was still in her pyjamas, eating a brownie as she was very focused on the movie. "This is my Bible." I swear her eyes practically formed hearts in them.

"Dada!" Willow reached her hands up to me, I helped her to sit up and removed my hands, seeing how she was shakily able to support herself.

"Good job sunflower." Michael praised, picking her up and nuzzling her.

"Guess what time of year it is~" Rose said in a sing-song voice, walking into the room with a smirk directed at me.

"Oh my god! Is it flu shots?" Lily suddenly popped in the room from god knows where, her tail instantly wagging. My ears went back, oh for fucks sake, not again.

"Why are you excited for flu shots?" Michael tilted his head, I groaned and laid my head back on the cushion of the couch.

"Oh my god- he doesn't know." Lily started excitedly jumping up and down. Michael looked at me with a confused look, I lifted my head and death glared at Rose and Lily.

"I swear to god- shut your mouths." I growled at them, they were not phased and only annoyingly squeaked with excitement.

"Noah is scared of flu shots." Lily blurted out, placing her hands together.

"I am not." I gritted my teeth at her.

"Dude, don't even. We tease you for it every year."

"You're scared of flu shots?" Michael placed Willow on her floor mat, sitting up on his knees and looking at me.

"Barely— I don't like something stabbing into my skin." I grumbled, he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my head.

"Awhh." He kissed my cheek, I attempted to lightly pushed him away, rolling my eyes, but he refused to let go of me. I just decided to let him stay.

"He gets all clingy and soft every year since he was like ten." Lily smiled. I remember being that young and nervously sitting in the doctor's office while Lily sat beside me trying to calm me down as I practically held onto her for dear-life.

"That's so cute." He purred, resting his tail on my lap, I looked down and pet the soft fur. Emotional support animal right here.

"I hate all of you." I glared, lifting my head out of the way as Michael started to scent me like crazy.

"Pfft- no you don't, you put up with us." Lily walked over and sat next to Posi, getting immediately invested in the movie.

"He loves me." Michael teased, turning my head towards him and kissing me.

I stayed silent for a moment before admitting it. "Yes I do." I sighed, leaning my forehead against his. He smiled, pulling away and focusing back on Willow.

"This lady also needs to get her first shot." Rose kneeled down in front of Willow, who grinned up at her and brought her feet up to her face. "You're so precious." Rose cooed before standing back up.

"When do we have to do the shots?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is when everyone is planning to get them, if you like you can do another day though, if you don't want that many people around." She offered, I shook my head, tomorrow was actually better, the further away it was the more nervous I got.

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