~9~ "Rose & Alex."

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I didn't get an ounce of sleep during the night, part of it was my heat, and part of it was the fact I'm cuddled up into the arms of a man I met a week ago, and I think I love him. Our legs were intertwined with each other as I watched his chest move slowly up and down while he slept. I still felt dizzy and sick, probably gonna be another day spent in bed, but maybe I wouldn't be totally alone.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, I jumped and hid under the covers, shaking Noah awake. "What..?" He grumbled, trying to go back to sleep, until he heard the knocking again and I whined. "Okay.. I'll go check.." He yawned and stood up, putting some sweatpants on before he opened the door. I sat up and covered myself in the blankets, watching as Lily stood on the other side of it.

"Sorry, I just wanted to remind you that you have a meeting in twenty minutes- oh my god." She noticed me from behind Noah and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Did you two really sleep together already??" She furrowed her eyebrows, I folded my ears down, and then she got a hint of my scent. "Oh. You're in heat." She sighed, suddenly pushing herself past Noah and into the room. "Go see Rose, she'll get you some heat supplements to help with the pain, I'm guessing this is your first heat since you don't already have them." She handed me a paper, it seemed to be a permission, maybe so this "Rose" person knew I wasn't just off the street.

"And you better not be pregnant." She placed a hand on her hip, god, she would be perfect for Posi. I nodded. "Okay hun." She rubbed the fur on my ears briefly, and I couldn't help a smile creeping onto my lips, it felt good. Noah gave her an unimpressed look as she stepped back out of the room.

"Sorry about her." He chuckled, throwing me my clothes, "Do you want help finding Rose before I go to my meeting?" I shook my head, "I remember, it's okay. And uh- thank you again for helping me.. Last night and in general.." I mumbled, pulling my jeans back up my legs and buttoning them, I hate jeans, skirts are more comfortable but I don't wear them often. Maybe I should be wearing them when I'm on my heat, the jeans are uncomfortable.

"Anytime." He smiled as he buttoned up his shirt, I played with the rips in my jeans, what now? What did this mean? We said we loved each other, and I really meant it, but.. It feels strange since we met so quickly, is it wrong that I feel so attached when we've only known each other a week or so? I don't know, maybe I'll ask Posi or something. 

I followed him as he left the room to go to his meeting, stopping at the infirmary while he kept moving, the note Lily gave me gripped tight in my hands. I opened the door carefully to see a blonde woman sitting at a wooden table, across from her was another brunette woman, they seemed to be playing a game, until the blonde one noticed me.

"Oh, hello hun. How can I help you?" She stood up and let me in, I handed her the note and fidgeted with my hands, she saw how nervous I was and just read the note instead of talking to me. "Nice to meet you Michael, I'm Rose. You need heat supplements?" Rose smiled, placing the note on the counter top and closing the infirmary door behind me.

I nodded, "I had my first heat yesterday and I didn't have anything for it." I wasn't sure what the note specifically said but apparently my name and what I needed. "That must have been rough. How old are you? And are you dating Mr. Carter?" It took me a second to realize 'Mr. Carter' was actually Noah, when I did I shook my head.

"I'm 21, and uh- I don't think so? He said he loves me but I dunno."

"He helped you through a heat and said that he loved you but you're not sure if you're dating?" The other brunette woman laughed and raised an eyebrow, I shrugged, and mumbled. "We're not mated or anything.."

"Dammit where are they?... We have like no omegas in this place, I might need to order more sorry hun." Rose jumped off from the stool she was standing on to reach a higher shelf. I nodded, "Okay, thanks anyways." I suppressed a whine of discomfort, I want to spend all day in bed with good smells.

"Beautiful" (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Where stories live. Discover now