~11~ "Boss."

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"You're mated." Not even one second after I stepped in the doors of the cafe, Posi caught me. My heat was over now so I could go back to work, and I knew Posi would be suspicious, but damn I didn't know she'd be a whole ass detective. She crooked an eyebrow as she was cleaning the counters, "You smell like your normal scent, kind of vanilla-y, mixed with something else, so I assume it's that you're mated." She hmphed, feeling proud of herself for figuring it out.

I rolled my eyes and stepped in, "Yeah." Was all I said and she hummed in an 'I told you so' way. "Are you living there permanently then? Why, you are practically royalty." She fake gasped, placing a hand on her chest. "Okay, tone down the sarcasm a bit, it's way too early in the morning. And I'm not gonna just assume I'm living there because we're mates, he could throw me out anytime he wants. Also I'm not royality."

The noise of the oven humming was interrupted with a ding, indicating the cookies that were sitting in there were finished. "Yeah, we'll have to wait until you marry him." She snickered, running away to the break room before I could kick her ass. I took the cookies out of the oven and placed them on the counter to chill.

I sighed, staring at the clock as it slowly ticked, ugh, this would be a long day. I want to crawl into bed and cuddle, I've noticed that since I've mated, I've gotten instantly more attached to him, I want him to hold me and rub my ears. Most importantly, I want a nest. I need a space to feel safe, and I want Noah's stuff in it. But, the issue is I feel bad to take up space and take his stuff, although I know I'm gonna end up doing it subconsciously, so I guess I should ask eventually.

I took my phone out, we had no customers anyways.

I miss u

Noah <3
I miss you too beautiful

Are you okay? ❤️

I'm alr, just bored at work bc nobody is coming in and I want to sleep :(

Noah <3
Are you still on your heat?

no I'm all done now but I still feel weird, I wanna nest

Noah <3
What's a nest?

google it

Noah <3
lmao okay beautiful

It was about ten minutes later before he responded, still no customers in the cafe, I mean it's a literal snow storm outside so people are advised to stay inside, but nope, we poor ones still have to work. Then my phone buzzed.

Noah <3
ohhh, sorry love I literally forgot those existed lol

If you want a nest I think that would be good for you beautiful

i don't want to steal all your stuff :(

Noah <3
I don't care if you steal my pillows and blankets lol I can get more, I want you to feel safe

also these nests sound cozy as fuck can I come in?

hmm maybe

"Michael! Put your phone away before I take it!" I jumped from the loud voice that yelled throughout the cafe, dammit, I didn't know my boss was here today. I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my back pocket. "Why are we working? There's no one here, it's a snow storm." I gave him an unimpressed look, almost a glare but I wasn't that brave.

"Don't give me an attitude." He said as he restocked our sugar, which wasn't even low, he was just looking for shit to do. "I'm right aren't I?" I placed a hand on my hip, Posi was peeking around the corner of the break room doorframe, waiting for our boss to leave before she came out.

&quot;Beautiful&quot; (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora