~15~ "Through The Phone."

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Four days since Noah left and from the minute I opened my eyes that morning I felt an intense heat throughout my body.


I kicked the blanket off with my feet and panted, my entire body felt weak and needy. Now of all times to have my heat? God dammit. I sighed and rolled over, holding my stomach and bringing my knees to my chest. It was already 1pm, and I could hear the loud clacking of heels against the floor coming up the stairs and standing right outside my room.

I heard a knock on my door, "Come in.." I just barely raised my voice, letting whoever was there know they could open the door. Behind the door was Rose, just peeking over the side before she fully stepped in, "Oh dear, are you alright? Did you get your heat?" She closed the door behind her and kneeled down in front of the bed. She had such a caretaker attitude, she reminded me a lot of my mum, I missed having someone like that now that they won't speak to me. 

I nodded, nuzzling my face into the pillow that still smelt like Noah's shampoo. "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you try a suppressant?" She stood up, grabbing the bottle of pills I had on the side table and placing one in her hand. I sat up and held my hand out, "You're only allowed one more today, okay?" She gave me the pill and I swallowed it, some of the warm feeling went away, but not much.

"I want Noah.." I whined, laying back down and sniffling. "I know, he'll be back in a few days. For now you can take the pills and help yourself." She sat down on the bed with me and rubbed my ears, my phone buzzed and she handed it to me. Speak of the devil, it was Noah calling.

"I'll let you answer that." Rose patted my head and stood up, walking out of my room so I could answer the phone call.

"Hello?" I sat up and brought my knees to my chest, waiting to hear Noah's voice. "Hey beautiful, are you okay?" He spoke softly, my ears perked up and I almost started purring just at that sound, god I missed his voice.

"I'm okay! I started my heat though. Whatcha doing?" I smiled, I wanted to hear about his day, and mostly about his parents and why they were so awful.

"Taking a break from my parents asking me if I've found a wife yet, mostly my mother."

"Awh, there's no Ms. Carter yet?" I teased.

"Not while I'm so obsessed with your pretty face."

"Are you missing me?" I giggled, biting my nails, I was missing him for sure.


"Good. Rose gave me this fake alpha scent, she said it would help me from getting sick but it doesn't smell like you.. It worked at first but now it just makes me anxious."

"I'm sorry, I promise once I get home you can have all of my shirts."

"I think I'm gonna need more from you." I reverted to a teasing voice, now that my heat was getting to the more desperate part.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

I stayed silent, my face going red from embarrassment of all the kinky-ass shit I wanted him to do to me.

"Tell me what you want. You want me to run my hands down your pretty waist? I can kiss down your neck, leaving marks so everybody who even glances at you knows your ass is mine." His voice was low and seductive, it made my body weak, like an automatic response to that voice was to submit.

"Fuck.. Keep talking.."

"You wanna touch yourself for me?"

"I do.." I whispered, melting into the bed as he continued to talk.

"Beautiful" (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora