~45~ "Day Out."

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"Oh my godddd! She's so adorable! Can I hold her?" Posi squealed, pratically jumping up and down as I held Willow in my arms, she was half asleep in her cat patterned onzie when I unfortunately took her out of her crib to come meet everybody, or at least Posi. Now that she was hitting almost 7 months, and I was less stressed out, I wanted her to meet everyone.

We now stood in the living room with Posi, the others in the kitchen, well, besides Noah, who was still fast asleep way past two pm. Which was unlike him and kind of concerned me, usually he wakes up at like 9 at the latest.

I nodded and carefully handed my baby over to Posi for her to hold, "You're just the sweetest little girl." She smiled, cradling Willow in her arms and cooing.

"I missed holding babies, they're so cute and they smell good." She held Willow against her chest, smelling the top of her head briefly.

"How old is Maisie now?"

"Around a year soon."

"Awhh, when can I meet her?"

"Pff— my mother keeps that poor thing cooped up in her house, she barely gets sunlight, she's like a baby vampire."

My ears fell down in pity for the thought of Maisie being there, I couldn't imagine doing that to Willow, being that neglectful. "Isn't it weird how if you can biologically have a baby- you can just have one? Like no follow up questions." I placed a hand on my hip, it's something I was always curious about, I mean my parents had me and nobody seemed to follow up on it when they stopped bringing me to doctor's appointments.

"I mean, that's how you have Willow." Posi lightly bounced her.

"Yeah and I'm constantly freaking out that I'm a bad mother, they don't give you a test for this shit." I crossed my arms, she looked down at me.

"I mean— parenting classes." She mumbled, quietly laughing.

"What the fuck is a parenting class?" Just as I spoke I felt arms around my waist, I jumped and looked up to see it was just Noah. He laid his head on mine silently. "You okay?" I asked, he grumbled something incoherent.

"Speaking of Maisie, I have to go to my mother's house sometime and pick up some old stuff from my room, some of it's yours by the way."

"Everything of mine's from high school is at my parents' place. I've given up on it, if I try to talk to them they'll just ask to meet Willow and I really don't feel like it right now." I sighed, Posi handed Willow back to me.

I could feel Noah scenting me like I was gonna disappear tomorrow, slightly biting down on my mating mark at well. "What are you doing?" I lightly pushed him away confusedly, he ignored me and continued.

"Well, some of that old stuff might include a certain collection of year books that belonged to you~" She said in a sing-song voice, starting to walk away. I knew everything I had written in there about people and all the stupid signatures.

"You motherfucker—" I attempted to run after her, Noah only pulled me back to him, growling slightly. "Okay, dude, what the hell is up with you?" I pushed him away from me.

"My parents are just being assholes and I wanna be near you." He sighed.

"Oh— I'm sorry darling." I ran my hand down his shoulder, standing up on my toes to kiss him. "Real quick— can you take Willow for a minute? My arms are killing me."

"Sure. C'mere sweetheart." He carefully took her from my arms and held her against his chest, she immediately tried to grab at his ears and hair. "Ouch—" He mumbled.

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