~4~ "His Coat."

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"Posi it's freezing out.." I shivered, my hands so numb you could cut them right off and I wouldn't feel a thing, my so called "winter jacket" wasn't doing nothing either. "Oh shush, it's about to start." Posi shook me, we were standing out in the cold downtown just to see the stupid king open some kind of town hall.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, just trying to get the warmth back in my body as snow started to fall down on us. The crowd was huge, I could barely see over anyone, curse being short. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod- it's her-" Posi squealed, pointing up at the bodyguard on the stage, who was literally just standing there on her phone, and Posi was practically jumping up and down for her.

"Is there anywhere to get tea?" I chartered my teeth, my face was red from the cold, Posi nodded and gestured over to a stand off to the sides of the crowd where someone was offering tea for a buck, not bad.

I wandered away from the group of people, okay maybe I lied a little bit, I didn't want tea, I just wanted to be away from all of.. that, for a bit. Posi's fine, she's smart and not like I'd give much protection from creeps anyways. I walked into a nearby alleyway, shivering as I leaned up against the brick wall with a sigh.

The sky was surprisingly clear for a snow storm. I stuck my tongue out to collect snowflakes in my mouth, most water I've had all day to be honest.

"Hey beautiful." I looked over at the voice, closing my mouth in embarrassment, and wouldn't you know? Noah Carter. "I think you're just calling me that because you forget my name." I snickered, crooking an eyebrow at him as he leaned on the wall next to me. "Aren't you supposed to be giving some speech of honor or whatever kings do?" I smirked, that strange mixture of blush and confidence reappearing from just the other night.

"Haha, very funny." He rolled his eyes, looking me up and down as he saw me shivering. "You're gonna freeze to death in that." He took his winter coat off and handed it to me, my face was for sure red with blush and I almost smashed my lips against him right there- what? Fuck- nothing.

The jacket was warm and smelt like vanilla, mixed with the scent of an alpha, which made my instincts go wild. "Thanks.." I mumbled, a flustered smile on my face, "What are you doing out in the cold? Wouldn't you prefer to be somewhere warm darling?" He crossed his arms, looking down at his feet and kicking some snow and shaking the rest out of his hair.

"My friend, Posi, has a big crush on your bodyguard." I chuckled, he had a sarcastic expression on his face, as if it was a big shock. "Lily? Well she'll be happy to know that, she needs an ego boost." He placed his hands in his pockets, I felt bad for taking his jacket now, he was only wearing a long sleeve button up, I at least had a sweater on.

"You don't look so bad yourself handsome." I smirked at him, oh god, my attempt at flirting is sad. He returned the smirk, taking out a piece of paper and handing it to me, I looked down to see a series of numbers written down on it, maybe a number. "I've gotta get going before they notice I've left. See you later, Michael."

My heart fluttered at the name, it confirmed that he didn't forget and simply wanted to call me that. I contained myself from squealing even if I wanted to as he walked away, leaving nothing but tracks in the snow.

I looked down at the phone number, did.. a king just give me his personal phone number?.. I could literally sell this to the tabloids if I wanted too, but, I think he knew I wouldn't, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hear that voice once again.

"There you are! Jesus- where did you get that jacket? It's huge on you." Posi appeared out of the blue, pure confusion in her eyes. "I saw him again- and he gave me his fucking jacket- AND FUCKING PHONE NUMBER." I felt like I could faint, although I probably shouldn't, I'd hit my head on the concrete for sure. "You're kidding- dude your luck is inane, go buy a lottery ticket I swear." She ran up to me, grabbing the paper from me to examine it, placing her hand on my back in case I did actually fall.

"You know what else he said?" I cooed at her, she crooked an eyebrow, "He said that his body guard's name is Lily and she'd be happy to know you have a crush on her." I watched her face go red and it was princeless, "You told him!??" She playfully punched me, I couldn't stop laughing as she huffed and hit my back one more time.

"It fell outttt! He's hottt."

"Okay, you can use that excuse 1 more time, then you're done."

"Beautiful" (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Where stories live. Discover now