~25~ "Drink."

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~Posi~ (Warning: this chapter contains drugs, also thank you to MIIKI for requesting this on my discord! :3)
It's been awhile since Michael and I hung out just us, I'll admit. So when the opportunity came I took it, dragging Michael down to a bar. I haven't had a drink in like two years, that's way too long, and obviously Michael can't drink, but I mean, I still need supervision.

"Don't drink too much, I can't carry you home." Michael stared at me with unimpressed eyes as we sat down at the bar, I immediately ordered a martini, my face going red at the sight of the beautiful bartender, she had tanned skin and gorgeous curly hair tied into two buns, her face covered in freckles. "And for you?" She asked Michael, "Same, non-alcoholic." He said, smiling at her.

"You like her." Michael immediately teased as the bartender walked away, "She's pretty." I shrugged, looking at my nails.

"You should hook up with her." He chuckled, I shook my head, "Nah."

"Right, right, I forgot about Lily."

"Shut up."

"For you, and you." The bartender came back, handing each of us our drinks, she winked and walked away, I took a sip of my drink and Michael did the same.

"How far along are you?"

"I dunno honestly, maybe a month and a half? I know I don't have long left." He tilted his head, playing with the straw in his drink, his drink looked cloudy as he stirred it and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"That doesn't look right to you does it?" He caught my attention, I looked down at the drink and took it from him. "Huh. Maybe it's just a sweetener?"

"I don't think aspartame does that." He huffed, leaning his head on his hand with half-lidded eyes.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just kinda dizzy."

"Do you need to go home?"

"I don't think so.."

"Tell me if you do."

He nodded, blinking slowly a few times as he took another sip of the drink while I started talking to him, deciding to just let him listen if he was too tired to join in. And as I rambled his head slowly fell heavy and he laid it in his hands, "Can- can you call Noah?.." He grabbed my arm and laid his head on my shoulder, holding onto me so he didn't fall off the chair.

"Oh god- of course. Come on, let's go outside." I held him up to his feet, making sure he didn't pass out. I let him lean against me as I pulled my phone out to call Noah. "Hey- uhm, so Michael and I are out at the bar down marshall street and he's kind of—" I spoke into the phone, but suddenly I felt a strong force against my head, knocking me to the ground.


"Posi? Are you alright?" Noah's voice echoed from the phone that shattered on the ground. A man with dark hair that I couldn't quite see crouched down and picked up the phone from the ground. I felt blood pouring from my head, my vision going fuzzy, I could see the man hang up the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your little friend." The man leaned closed to me, ruffling my hair, I could clearly see familiar brown eyes and black hair now as he grabbed a passed out Michael, dragging him to a car.

I couldn't move, my head was fuzzy and my hair dripped from the blood, the car door slammed closed and they drove away, I wanted to scream or do anything; but I just could, I felt helpless and useless, I also felt like I could die right here. That would be a pathetic life.

I let out a growl that was really more of a whimper, as if that would do anything, but it was all I could manage right now, until my pain over took me and I passed out.

The next time I woke up I was in the palace infirmary, my head was pounding, but the sound of crashes and yelling did not help. I groggily sat up and the first sight I saw was Noah yelling and pacing the floor as everyone else watched awkwardly.

"FUCK!" He grabbed the closest thing he could, a glass of water and threw it at the wall, shattering the glass into tiny pieces that flew everywhere, everyone dodged to avoid them. "Okay- Noah. You need to calm the fuck down." Lily stood up, walking towards him.

"You're not the one whose pregnant mate is fucking missing!" He growled, the room echoing with his shouts as he gestured to god knows where. Lily glared.

"Do NOT yell at me!" She pushed him back, he bit the inside of his cheek and sighed, slumping down onto a chair and running his hands through his hair. The entire room smelled like distress as his knee bobbed up and down. "I know you're stressed and scared for him, but so are we and treating us like this isn't fair." Lily crossed her arms and looked down at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." He sighed.

"I know, you're alright." She turned her attention to me, "Oh, you're awake. Are you okay? Do you remember anything?"

"Yeah- I'm fine. And no not really- I remember someone- a man I think, with brown eyes and dark hair, but by then my vision was going fuzzy."

"Well, it's something. Do you know anyone with dark hair and dark eyes?" She pulled out a note pad like she was a proper detective. "Like half the people from my highschool." I laid back down, rolling over as my head throbbed, I was in too much pain to put together what was actually happening. "Okay, get some rest." She gestured everyone else out of the room, leaving me to sleep.

Dark hair, dark eyes.

I knew exactly who that was, obviously Liam for fucks sake. I stormed into my office, Lily and Alex following me while Rose stayed back to do some more tests just to make sure Posi was okay.

I slammed my phone down on the table and called Michael's cell, not expecting him to answer, "What?" Liam's voice snapped, I let out an immediate growl, my ears going back.

"You're fucking dead. You hear me? I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I yelled into the phone, Lily got up to grab my laptop and attempt to trace the call

"Woah- calm down." He chuckled, "He's literally fine, not even up yet. Such a tiny thing, he only needs like half a dose and he's out cold." A crash was heard on the other side of the call, along with some yelling that was incoherent to me. "Okay- maybe I lied, he might be up."

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing yet, he's just being a piece of shit like always, keeps growling and even trying to fucking bite me whenever I go near him, your mate is a rabid dog."

"Good." I snapped, I could hear a whimper in the back ground.

"Shut the fuck up you little bitch." Liam threatened as a hard bang echoed, along with a sharp yelp that pained me to hear. "Don't you dare hurt him- I swear to god I will snap your neck!" I shouted, making everyone in the room flinch, Lily snapped her fingers to let me know she got the location.

"Awh c'mon, he's fine, just a little nose bleed—"

I grabbed my phone and threw it at the wall, shattering it into pieces, breathing heavily. It was like I was completely removed from my body, just complete anger fuming throughout me.

"I got the location."

"Beautiful" (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Where stories live. Discover now