~14~ "Leaving."

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When I woke up that next morning, the sun was still set and I could barely see Noah pulling a button up shirt over his shoulders, fuck, he was hot. "Are you leaving so early?..." I yawned, a whine letting out of my body that I couldn't control, inscints taking over and just wanting him to stay despite the agreement.

He mumbled a curse word, my ears fell flat against my head.. Oh, he was trying to sneak out.. "Were you gonna leave without saying goodbye?" I looked at him with puppy-dog eyes that he couldn't say no too, not with the alpha in him screaming to come lay with me and I knew it.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be upset." He sighed, the bed sinking as he kneeled down on it and slowly leaned over to kiss my lips. I sat up with him, grabbing onto his neck and melting into the touch. If this was the last kiss for two weeks, you know damn well I'm making it a good one. But that "quick goodbye" turned into a full making out session, I just wanted to taste more of him, so that it could remain on my tongue.

I knew I was acting like he was fucking dying and probably overreacting, but... c'mon, just let me have this, let me wallow in my own loneliness simply because I can.

"I really should go.." He whispered in between passionate kisses, breath heavy and laced with disparity. "But do you want to?.." I returned the tone, flirty to hide the desolate feeling underneath. He didn't respond for a few moments, just breathed heavily, until he admitted he couldn't stay.

"I have too... I'm sorry, beautiful."

He pulled away, his hand rested on my cheek as he kissed my forehead once more before I lost his touch and he buttoned up his shirt fully.

I felt more than helpless, knowing nothing I could do would make him stay, it didn't make me angry, more-so lonely.

He said he'd be back by Christmas or the 23rd at the earliest, I guess it's not bad, it's the 14th now. I sat up, wanting to follow him until the very last second.

By the front door was Lily waiting with his ticket she printed out for him. I think Lily is staying because she doesn't want to deal with Noah's parents. "Thanks Lil." Noah smiled, taking the ticket from Lily's hand.

I let my ears go flat with distress as a whine escaped my body, "It'll only be a couple weeks, beautiful." Noah ruffled my hair, massaging my ears as they slowly perked up. It's okay, it's just a few weeks, I'm not that codependent, I can handle it, although I think I'm due for my heat soon, that's gonna suck.

"Love you." I mumbled, reaching up on my tippy toes to kiss his soft lips, "I love you too." He returned the kiss, slowly pulling away and grabbing his suitcase once again as he walked out the door. I huffed, now what? Do I just lay in bed?

"Are you gonna wait at the door for two weeks like a sad puppy?" Lily snickered, placing her hands in her pockets as he walked past me, "Shut up.." I grumbled, swiftly following her to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

In the kitchen on the stools by the counter was Rose and Alex, each eating a piece of toast with jam on it. Next to both of them was Noah's sister, I think her name is Lia or something. "Why aren't you going with Noah to visit your parents?" Lily asked Lia as we both stood on the other side of the counter, everyone here seemed nice, I wanted to know them better.

"Pfft, I'm not jumping on that burning ship. Don't know why Noah still gives a fuck about them, but whatever." She rolled her eyes as she leaned her head on her hand, apparently she's only 18 years old, still in the bitchy teenager phase I suppose. Is it weird that I already miss Noah? He's probably not even at the end of the driveway.

"Oh! Michael, follow me." Rose perked up as if she had just remembered something and stood up, quickly walking away. I scrambled to follow her, almost tripping over my own feet just to keep up.

By the time we reached a door I was almost panting, trying to catch my breath. "I ordered you some heat suppressants since we were all out last time, I'll be sure to always have them from now on I promise." Rose smiles, opening up her door which I realized lead to her office, she opened up a box that sat on her desk and handed me a bottle of pills labeled, "Omega Heat Suppressants (Warning: Do not take more than two in 24 hours.)" Noted I guess.

"Also! This," She handed me a bottle that looked almost like perfume or cologne. "It's an artificial replica of an Alpha's scent, since Noah will be gone for a while, just spray it on your wrist or on certain objects." She helped me spray it on my wrist and I brought it up to my nose to smell, my ears immediately perked up and without even knowing it I started purring. Goddamn I haven't even lost his scent for more than 20 minutes and I didn't know how much I missed it.

"Does that help?" She rubbed my ears and I leaned into the touch. "You should go eat something, if you need anything at all just ask me, okay? Especially if you start to feel sick, it can be dangerous to feel sick when your mate is gone." She smiled, escorting me out of the room.

"Beautiful" (Omegaverse Michael x Noah)Where stories live. Discover now