Keeping promises.

Start from the beginning

Madinah nodded her head, "If you say so. But now I really have to go check on my kitchen." And she scrambled away.. General watched her in amusement, before getting up and into the shower.

Madinah met all of her staff and assured them that she was fine before telling Kate what they were going to make so she could help her, she wanted to cook herself today but she didn't really have time. They just made some omelettes and Turkey bacon, along with some bagels and cream cheese. She boiled up some chai and let Kate set the table while she went to get dressed.

She took her shower in her bathroom and wore a casual black abaya, along with its veil. Having to remind herself that she was going to her in-laws after over two weeks, she lined her eyes and her lips, applying some lipgloss as well as soma mascara. Finally, she spritz herself with her signature mist and then walked to Generals room. He wasn't there but she noted that he'd made the bed already so she checked in his office and as expected, found him there.

"DanAllah, let's go eat." She told him as she stood by the door. A wave of déjà vu hit her, remembering when she stood right there only a week ago and he broke her heart.

It was like he felt it too, because he rounded up his work and walked to her a few minutes later and took her hands in his,

"We still haven't spoken about what happened." She cringed the minute she said it, what was there to talk about? He said he didn't love her, that he would never. So what exactly changed in one week flat? She knew he would not lie, but she needed reassurance.

"There is not much to speak about. You put me on the spot the same night yasmen appeared, i was in shock and incredibly confused. Said somethings I should not have." They walked down the staircase as they casually had one of the most important conversations thus far in their marriage.

"Did you know you didn't mean it then?"

He stopped then, stopping her by default as well since he was holding her, "I did, but I hadn't accepted it. I also haven't apologized properly for that specific incident, so I am sorry, maryaam. You didn't deserve that."

Madinahs eyelids fluttered and so she didn't expect it when he leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss that lasted longer than they'd planned, but then he pulled back, "We have to be at daddy's house soon." It was as if he was reminding himself.

She flushed and cleared her throat, before walking hastily ahead of him to the dining room. When General caught up to her, she'd already served both of their food. So they ate in silence, and when they were done, he stopped her from taking her plate and instead pulled her to him so she was partially sitting on him,

"Are you so flushed over a kiss? We are way past that maryaam." He decided to tease her a bit, hating and loving her shy nature all the same.

Madinah put her hands over her face "Oh my God!"

He chuckled a bit before pulling her closer and speaking directly into her ear, "I am going to awaken all your fears. I am going to do every single thing that makes you nervous. So either toughen up, or prepare to blush every single day of your life."

Madinah gasped because she realized that her husband truly had no shame. She kept her face buried into her palms, so incredibly embarrassed on his behalf while he on the other hand did not care one bit. When he'd had his fill of amusement, he got up along with her and told her to go perform ablution so they could pray zuhr, after which they set out for daddy's house.


The tension in the air was palpable in the Buhaari main house, specifically, in daddy's living room. The couple stepped in at exactly 1.26pm, greeted maama and daddy, and then sat down on the chair adjacent to theirs.

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