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Ignore my gramatical errors abd enjoy

Taehyung pov

I remembered about the incident that happened in high school traumatized me to the extent that i would stay in my room locked......without food and water.......with no sleep more tears to be shed.......just staring at the ceiling all day.....all night ......i was scared of everyone and everything.........i couldn't even look straight at my took me a lot of time to get over it .....

" it was the first year of high school when that horrible day came in search of me .......... i was sitting in my class during break chatting with my friends when one of the male teacher [mr.seo]came in searching for me .............he told that mr.nam was looking for me . Mr.nam was the head of the teachers . So he had a separate cabin ............" 

Tears flowed down my face while telling this ........i saw jungkook's eyes started to become red and moist

"I went in with mr.seo ............suddenly he pushed me to the lap of mr.nam caught my both arms and made me sit on his lap ......i tried getting up but he was way stronger than me ..............he started moving behind my back......... his disgusting toung all over my neck .......while mr.seo stood there with a satisfied dirty look ........i called out for help but he strangled me not letting any words out of my throat.............he put his fingers in my mouth so i bit his fingers grunt in pain ........"

Jungkook caressed my face calming me voice was cracking as i told these things .

" mr.seo stepped towards me and slaped me .............i fell to the ground with a thud .........he tore my shirt ............ and mr.seo got on top of me ........the phone in his cabin rang before anything more could happen."

I saw jungkook enraged .........his veins popping out of his forehead.....

"I ran out of the room ........i ran to my house .....locked up myself .......traumatized and shaking in fear......i-i-"

"No no.....its fine baby .....its fine........everything is fine .......dont worry ......everything is fine ........i wont even try again without your consent..........I'm sorry ........ahhhhh! I'll kill those bastards......"

he said while grabbing his hair with is one hand ......other on my waist ......

I came down from the desk .......

" i know you are grossed out by me......if you wanna break up its o-ok"

I said

"No! what are you talkin-"

Before he complete his sentence i just ran off .........before i could reach the room he caught up to me and pinned me to the wall .......he suddenly remembered and left a gap between us......

"No! I said no! ......i am not breaking up with you !"

He said a bit loud .....that startled me
His stiff gaze softened

"If i could give you one thing in life .........i would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes ........only when you will realise how special you are to me ......."

He said and  embraced me in his arms...........

I am really sorry for my late update

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