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Hey so I usually do 3rd person so I wanted to try a 1st person. If it's not good I'm sorry

Buck searching for chris and then collapsing into Bobby's arm in buck's p.o.v

It wasn't suposed to be like this. I had taken chris to the carnival on the Pier. It was supposed to help me get out of his head and for chris to have fun.

I had won him a giant teddy bear and we had been looking out at the ocean.

Then the tsunami hit. I had ran with chris in my arms placing him behind a stand before the water hit.

I swam as hard as I could. I made it to the surface and I see chris.

"BUCK BUCK" chris was screaming holding onto a pole

"It's ok buddy just hold on I'm coming" I say as I try to swim I reach out my hand

"Chris take my hand" I say and he let's go but misses my hand

I dive and grab him holding him above the water. "I got you"

I saw a fire engine and swam towards it. I used all my strength to push chris onto the top of it.

I climb up and sigh. I sit making sure Chris doesn't look at the water "Let's play eye spy" i say hoping i can keep chris from seeing anyone dead.

"I spy with my little eye something really high up" I say making sure he is looking up just as some bodies float past us.

"Please help" someone yells.

When me and chris look we can see suvivors trying to keep afloat. I reach my hand down and pull a few up onto the engine.

One of them was a nice Mexican lady. I grabed the fire house and wrapped it around myself.

"Can you watch him please?" I ask and she nods

"Stay with her and hold on ok? I'll be right back I'm going to help those people" I explain to chris who nods

I get off and jump from car to car helping anyone I can. "Hold onto this and follow it to the engine"

Just as I'm about to get back into the engine another wave hits. It's not as intense as the first but it still shakes the engine

Chris falls in and I jump in after him. When I resurface I look around but I can't find chris.

"CHRIS. CHRIS" I scream his name as loud as I can.

I ran up the streets yelling his name. The water had gone down enough for me to run. I look everywhere for chris.

Panic is filling my mind. I can't lose him. I won't survive if I can't find him. Eddie will never forgive me if I lose chris.

I know im getting tired but i can't think about that. Chris is out there and i have to find him. I ignore the stinging in my leg.

As I run I trip and my arm gets cut by a peace of metal. "Ahh" I scream holding my arm.

I growl before pulling at my shirt ripping a sleeve to wrap around the wound.

I take a few deep breaths making sure it's secure before I get back up.

I keep running up and down. I see something red from the corner of my eye.

I pick it up and its chris' glasses. I started running more screaming his name tell my throat felt sore.

"Chris" my voice is barely loud enough now.

My whole bidy hurts but i cant stop. I make it about a mile before I see a med hospital already set up. I hope and pray to any God that I can find chris alive

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