Buck's true parents

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Bucks parents come to town after he gets hurt. They try to act like loving parents that did nothing wrong but quickly learn they don't have a chance because he has Bobby and athena


The night was terrifying for everyone. Buck's leg was pinned under the ladder truck and nobody could get to him.

The bomber was between buck and everyone else. Buck remembered the man walk to him and look down at him.

He remembered him saying something like your new but his head and foot hurt too much at that time to think it through.

Bobby got to the scene with athena and ran towards the front of the crowd.

Bobby sees the son of the man he had helped put in jail for setting his own resteraunt on fire. Then he sees buck and gulps.

"Where is the captain" the man yells obviously not interested in talking.

Chimney who was the camanding captain at the time stepped forward. "I am" he says and the man shakes his head.

"No not you I want captain nash." He screams getting more irritated and Bobby doesn't think twice.

He wanted Bobby and he would give him it if it meant he could get to buck. He wouldn't lose buck he would make sure of it.

He kissed athenas cheek "I love you" he says softly before rushing forward fast.

"Bobby wait-" athena tries but knows she can't stop him when one of their kids are in danger.

Bobby runs past the barricade and walked towards the man with his hands up

"I'm right here jacob" Bobby says making the man turn to him quickly the switch for a bomb on his chest in his hand.

"I thought you would be in the truck" the man said and Bobby looked at buck quickly wanting to check on him.

"Well I'm here now" Bobby says and the man saw the way he looked at buck.

"Can one of my people check on him?" Bobby asked hoping the man would let someone but he shakes his head.

"No." The man said and Bobby frowned.

"Why? He has nothing to do with your father going to jail or the fire of the restaurant. Hell he wasn't even a firefighter." Bobby says and the man laughs darkly

"Collateral damage" the man says and eddie frowned glaring at the man ready to rush him and take him down himself.

This whole time eddie has been to busy trying to see if buck was ok from where they were that he didn't hear the man but he heard that part.

Bobby frowning slowly moves closer. He eventually gets close enough that he can grab him and take the button away.

The bomb team and swat come forward and get him leaving the others to finally get to buck.

Athena rushes and hugs Bobby kissing him softly "I love you too." She Says and then they turn towards their kids.

"Buck" Hen and chimney shout as the three of them run to buck.

Eddie now at bucks side holds his hand "Hey buddy hold on" eddie says and buck groaned holding his hand.

Hen and chimney go into paramedic mode and start checking his head. Body, breathing and putting in an IV for fluids and painkillers because his leg hurt like hell and they all knew it.

"We gotta lift it just enough to get him out." Bobby says and counts to three. Everyone tries to lift without Eddie who was still holding his hand ready to pull him out as soon as he is clear.

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