what happened?

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eddie asks bobby what bucks reaction was after eddie was stuck underground. Buck won't answer him when he asks about it.


It had been a month since eddie had cut his line to save some kid and got stuck in the water well. He remembered the earth falling past him and remembered the fear.

He knew the team would never truly give up on him. Everyone had told him they were trying to get him out but buck would just stay absolutely silent.

At first eddie didnt think much of it. He knew buck didnt do well with almost death near experience when it was someone he knew. If it happened to himself buck didn't care but anyone else and he took it hard.

One day when eddie and buck were hanging out eddie brought it up. "Hey do you remember the call with the kid in the well"

Eddie starts and imedietly buck stiffed up. "Yea" is all buck says and eddie frowned.

"What happened up on the surface?" Eddie asked and buck looks at his phone as if he gets a text but eddie knows he didn't because buck always has his notification sound on but it didn't go off.

"Um I gotta go Maddie texted asking if I can um watch jee" Buck says quickly and leaves fast.

It was so obvious he was lying but eddie let it go and dicided to ask again later.

However later never came because everytime eddie tried it was like buck knew and would find a way out of it. Tired of not getting answers he goes to Bobby for answers.

Since chris was still in school plus it was their day off he called Bobby and asked if he could stop by. Thankfully the man agreed and eddie was on his way.

When he arrives he thinks twice about what he is doing. Does he really wanna know? What if they had Givin up on him?

He shakes his head and parks the car getting out before locking it. He dicides not knowing is worse then knowing so he makes his way to the door and knocks waiting for someone to answer

Athena opens the door and smiled "oh hello eddie come in. Are you here for Bobby? He is in the kitchen" she says giving him a small hug. Eddie hugs back happily.

He loved Athena and Bobby they were like parents to everyone in the 118 but specifically for buck.

They made sure to check on everyone and make sure they knew if they needed anything to just ask. He was glad to have such a good support system.

"Thank you. Hope I am not intruding for anything you two had planned for the night?" Eddie says and she shakes her head

"Nonsense if one of our children need something we are here for them." She Says making eddie smile as he makes his way to the kitchen

His parents had never addressed him as their child. It was either his name or mijo which they only used around other family members to seem like they cared.

"Oh eddie your here good I just made food want some?" Bobby asked and eddie feels his stomach growl at the smell.

"Yes please but I wanted to ask you about something." Eddie says and Bobby paused.

"What is it?" He asked and Eddie gulped

"What happened when I was underground? I mean everyone says you guys were working to get me out but then everytime I try to ask buck about it he deflects and runs away" he says in a rush emotions.

"I'll finish this you Two go out to the backyard and talk" Athena said taking the spatula from Bobby.

Bobby kissed her head before leading a now silent eddie out to the yard. They sit for a few moments before Bobby touches his shoulder again.

"Of course we were trying to get you out. We always will. Buck didn't react so rational as we did. When the earth came down as did a ladder truck. Buck pushed me out of the way but when we all got up we saw the hole had been filled." Bobby paused seeing eddie shiver.

"I know it was hard down there for you too. Buck started trying to claw at the earth screaming your name. We all knew there was no way to dig that much with just our hands so we had to drag buck away. He fought and when we were making a plan the structural Profesional said it wasn't possible to dig you out if you were still alive." Bobby paused and takes a deep breath himself.

"Buck didn't like this. He said we were just giving up and thought you were died. We didn't, I didn't. I knew you were strong and had been through hell and back that wouldn't do you in. I told buck nobody was giving up then chimney said we just didn't know how to get you out yet. Hen tried to help calm him too but he wouldn't listen."

Bobby stops again as he sees Eddie's eyes water. He pulls eddie towards him and holds him tightly. Eddie had never had anyone actually tell him he had been through hell and back. He had and everyone seemed to think it was nothing bad.

"I thought nobody was coming for me. I was alive I was alive" eddie says and repeats the last part over and over again as Bobby holds him.

"We all knew that and so did buck. We would never give up on you." Bobby says and eddie calms slowly

"I thought you had given up on me and that's why buck never wants to talk about it" he explains and Bobby smiled

"Buck doesn't want to talk about it because he is so terrified of losing the only family he has." Bobby says and eddie sniffles.

"I get it now." He said wiping his eyes and looking up "sorry bobby" he says remembering his father's words.

A real man doesn't cry. He doesn't show emotions. But then he feels Bobby's hands on his shoulders and when he looks he is smiling.

"It's alright to have feelings as long as you deal with them" He says and eddie smiled feeling like the words of his father had been replaces by something better.

"I want to make him Christopher'slegal guardian" he says before be can think about it and Bobby chuckled.

"That's a big decision are you sure?" Bobby says and eddie smiled.

"I know he will take care of chris if i ever did die. I know he wouldnt limit him and he would help chris grow." Eddie says and Bobby nods.

"Then do it." Bobby says and eddie nods. He already did but didn't want to tell Bobby that.

"Good. Now did you want to stay for food?" Bobby asked and when eddie nods Bobby leads them back inside.

They all have a lovely lunch and when eddie leaves he feels thankful about a lot of things. buck, the family he has created and for Bobby for always being there for them.

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