114-116: Detective Game

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Chapter 114:

In their world, superpowers are very upright. Even world wars were started by superpowers. This is recorded in history books.

But in this world, all abnormalities are well hidden. Whether it's monsters or the mafia's deadly flames, ordinary people don't know about it, so the entertainment industry needs to be much more developed.

After going to an amusement park, Airi asked excitedly: "Why is there not such a fun place in Yokohama?"

Osamu Dazai explained carefully: "Maybe it is too easy to cause accidents. Building an amusement park requires losing a lot of money every day, so No one is doing this kind of business. "

That's right, Airi thought tangledly, their world is too peaceful and the world is very normal. People with superpowers will not commit crimes easily, and they are not very concealed.

Crime here is all done secretly, and you can't just buy guns and bombs at will. It's really peaceful!

Probably because the residents' stability index is relatively high, and there are many famous Internet celebrity stores here. She can see very creative new things every day.

The dessert shop they go to now is extremely famous. It specializes in various small cakes with super dreamy shapes and tastes. Many people take photos and check in every day.

Looking at the menu, Airi coquettishly said to her boyfriend: "There must be ice cream, I want to eat ice cream!" She hasn't had ice cream for many days, and she misses it so much!

Dazai Osamu was unmoved: "No, Airi has lost so much weight, you can't eat ice cream until your weight is normal."

That's so lenient! Airi was very dissatisfied: "Girls have to be thinner to look good. I have successfully lost weight and can just eat ice cream."

Touching her waist, Dazai Osamu thought for a moment: "It still doesn't work. Airi tries to eat more every day. , I can eat as much as I want after a while."

"You lied!" Airi was even more dissatisfied: "Normally you don't let me eat more because you say it will make you fat, but now you don't let me lose weight. Big liar, I ignore you. Yes!"

She turned her head away to sulk, and Osamu Dazai quickly coaxed her: "But if you eat too much ice cream, you will have a stomachache. What if you feel uncomfortable later?"

Airi snorted, "I haven't had a stomachache before. I don't feel bad about eating ice cream, I feel bad only when I can't eat it!"

What she said was very reasonable, and she was so angry. Dazai Osamu did not dare to refuse anymore, so he could only suggest in a low voice: "How about just ordering one? Airi has really lost too much weight, or she is too hungry. Eating too much cold food will really give her a stomachache."

That's not enough, Airi turned back and hugged him, "Okay, I'll listen to you!" He

pinched her nose, Dazai Osamu felt helpless: "Little liar, you are not obedient at all, you are still lying to me. "

In this regard, Airi is still very logical: "I'll just listen to what you say." If you're unhappy, you won't listen regardless of whether it's right or not. There's no need to tell your boyfriend about this.

My Boyfriend is so Sweetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें