66. My weapon

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Flug took his phone and assembled all villains that weren't scared to face the heroes.

Assuming that this was not planned I was wrong. One look outside and we were facing thousands of villains at the doorstep. Well, more at the gates because of the security system. The doc pushed me and Dem out the mansion, "Now the real battle begins."

Some heroes didn't expect this massive income of enemies and their powers to match theirs. This team was led by Abigail who couldn't care at all that this fight could cause her colleagues to be taken down instead. She whistled loud gaining a few heroes to her side. Together they left the other heroes to their fate.

Gold heart arranged a net that was tied to the helicopters. Once they can leave the Island, they can transport as many children as possible across the sea.

"Mama!" shouted a kid running over to the group of heroes. Gold heart went over, seeing another child following the first one. Both stood in front of Abi hugging her legs. Expecting her to give them a warm long hug, they received a stare that looked like she has seen them for the first time. In shock the kids backed off as Goldheart held their shoulders. Abigail now narrowed her eyes making them feel scared.

"What are you doing? These are your children!"

"I have no children."

Even Gold heart was at loos for words. His whole expectations, that she wanted to save her children was based on a lie. The children looked at him scared, "what happened to mama?" As much as he wished to answer...he had none. Looking at the other heroes they all had theses looks in their eyes. Not a single sign of empathy...just blank and dead. What did this organization do to them, he thought. Gold heart needed answers and there was only one place he might find them. Getting one of his team to take the lead he flew up to the sky. His colleague shouted at him, "Where are you going?"

"To Y/N. She might know what is going on."

"But she is the wife of Black hat."

He nodded whispering to himself, "Exactly."

Unfortunately, I was just as blind to the situation as Goldheart. Meanwhile Dmeencia found her first victims to play with setting them on fire before running after them with an ax. 505 joined the fight blowing dandelions at heroes faces making them sneeze uncontrollably while handing out tissues in the end. Even in battle he is too pure for this world, I thought. Flug took down a group with his armor while I stand there not sure on how to defend myself with a hat. One hero tried his chance to attack me.

With everyone occupied I gave it a try and took of the hat and held it in front of the hero. He stooped and looked at it just like me, as this was some kind of joke. I felt embarrassed hoping I could fall into a pit in shame. To my surprise that wish was granted. The hero laughed at me from above at how ridiculous Black hats wife is. Annoyed I wanted to get out of the pit as Black hats voice came out of nowhere "I said you should give a good impression, not to make a fool of yourself."

"Flug said this hat is my weapon, how in the world is this supposed to help me?!"

"Use your imagination, bad girl."

Assuming he meant everything I wish for will be granted. I thought of the hero get eaten by a pink dragon, but nothing happened, "It isn't working."

"Ridiculous, my dear"


He remembered that I could do better, telling me of my outburst in the woods. Making me furious, "This was an accident!"

"This was you!" he replied.

Looking up I raised my hand up hoping to get that hero down into the pit, and I got a surprise. My shadow grabbed the foot of the hero and pulled him down. Not controlling on how fast to pull he was unconscious the minute he hits the ground.

"Well done dear."

"What did I do?"

"Giving you access to power" said black hat amused. It only works if I use thoughts that are linked to bad thoughts or bad intentions. Anything ridiculous like a pink dragon is too sweet for black hats top hat. Thinking of the hero and that I was doing the wrong thing got black hat angry, "You won't survive with thoughts like that..."

From above I heard Flug scream out to me.

Black hat suddenly chuckled, "...or when you hesitate."

Using my powers to catapult me out of the pit I landed safely on the ground. Now my thoughts came back to the wood incident getting a massive whip out of my own shadow. With that I hit the heroes towards the pit. That way Flug could escape and get ready to attack from behind, pushing all heroes into the deep pit. I tried to think of the hole to expand towards the cliffs. Flug got concerned and looked inside ethe pit, "Where did they go?"

Surprisingly it worked. The heroes were thrown out the Island and now in the middle of the sea. I smiled in victory, speaking to black hat "Bad intentions, eh? This was a good deed. I saved heroes from dying in a pit."

"Are you sure?" he said laughing.

From the sea I heard them screaming for help.

"Soundy like you gave them a one-way ticket to become a shark buffet."

I cursed under my breath. But black hat didn't let go, "We are connected dear. My hat knows your actions and will only grant them if I allow it."

"So, if I think it is good, it is actually bad?"

"You get the picture."

So basically, the hat isn't my weapon, it is my husband playing with my thoughts and granting my wish if it is up to his standards. I dared to ask, "If I wish for everyone...it is an if question..." just to make sure he doesn't grant it, "...I want everyone to drop dead."

Black hat didn't reply "..."


"Do I get an answer?" I asked impatient.




"Why did you wait so long to answer?"

I can tell he was enjoying this, "Would be too easy for me."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now