65. The arrival

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The sound of explosives woke me up.

Sitting up straight I just realized what happened last night. Completely in the nude my clothes scattered across the room and Black hats top hat lies on the nightstand. Just my husband was no where to be seen. I do remember that I had took off his clothes, knowing that I took my sweet time with that making him growl. If I had known, I could annoy him that easy I may have given it a try a lot sooner. Teasing him without the fear getting in the way, was more fun than I imagined.

But there was no time for that.

Another loud explosion shook the building violently. I seen a few employees escape the place while I had to get dressed quickly. To my surprise black hat left me clothes that resembled his outfit, only difference was that I had a long skirt and boots instead. Once I took the hat was a note underneath. A hand-written note that says 'Good morning my dear. Today will be a funny day, I hope you enjoy the thrill as much as I do. I hope you give off a good impression to our enemies. Your Husband...Black hat'. Assuming he meant the outfit with a good impression I didn't get the rest of his message. Thankfully I wrote this note in the elevator. Because five minutes later, the entire building collapsed and took down a part of the woods with it.


Looking over my shoulder I saw Flug on a motorcycle. We drove back to the mansion in a speed that I feared we might cause an accident. Whatever was going on, Flug was in panic, and his driving skills showed it. In the distance we could see ships coming towards the Island. All around the mansion were villains trying to save their homes and belongings. It was war out here.

"Flug, you better explain this to me or else!"

He nodded as we stopped at the door. Literally at the doorstep. We got off and ran inside. Flug suddenly shouted, "Home security activated!!!" Out of know where a voice confirmed his order. The doc looked at me concerned, "Soooooo, how was your vacation?"

"Flug, this is not the time and place for a casual conversation. What is going on here?!"

Curious he leaned his head sideways, "You sure had fun though".

Not getting his comment he pointed at my neck. Looking at my reflection on one of the amors at the corridor I could see it. My husband gave me hickeys...not one or two...

My blush increased, "Mind your own business!"

Flug nodded going straight to business, "Well then, my Lord informed me of the situation. The heroes are going to attack the Island and take down every villain they find...including Black hat." We walked down to his lab as he continued to explain the details. Flug got his battle gear ready that looks like it is part of a plane. Curiously I looked around, "And what do I get?"

The doc just pointed at the top hat.

"I can't defend myself with that!"

"Trust me...with that one...you can." Demencia had also joined us with an ax and chainsaw. Unsure I asked Flug, "Isn't that a little overkill with Dem?"

He shrugged at that, "Thankfully she doesn't wear the hat, or all hell breaks loose." Speaking of hat, Demencia was out of her mind to see her lover's top hat on my head. Before it could escalate Flug ordered us to get ready.

"Wait, where is my lovely Lord?" I nodded at Domenica's question. We haven seen him so far today. Flug assured me that he will be there, "We won't miss it for the world". Based on how Flug said that it wasn't a good sign. He had a determined look and yet couldn't hide the fear inside his voice. Dem does not seem to know the definition of fear, shouting out a battle cry to get ready to slaughter. Flug checked his watch as I stood beside him.

"3...2...1...there here".

Outside the ships were almost in reach of the Island. Heroes with new villain powers were getting ready to get on land. Abigail and Gold heart were in one of the helicopters and watched the whole scenario from above.

What they didn't notice is the feeling of the earth shaking, as massive statures erupted from the island. Looking like the robots Flug designs they all wore a top hat. I gasped as they shoot at the ships with lasers destroying them in seconds. Some heroes survived and swam to the shore.

Looking from the cameras back to Flug he looked at his watch once more, "Stage one activated...stage two..."

The statured went on one knee and the top hat the top hats send out a massive field around the island connecting with the other statured. Everyone outside couldn't get in. Some of the heroes drowned from exhaustion as I looked at Flug, "We have to help them!"

Flug glared at me, "I knew you would say that. Here is another message I forgot to give you."

I never seen the doc like that, looking just like Black hat with his disappointed look, "Your actions can cause this Island to fall." My yaw dropped. The words Black hat said to me came back. Flug watched as a few helicopters could enter the shield before it closed completely.

"If no one gets in, no one get out, right Flug?"

"I don't like it as much as you do, but there is no choice but to defend ourselves."

The handful of heroes coming off the helicopters entered the houses and took down every villain in sight. Gold heart was furious and stepped forward to stop them. Only for Abigail to block his way, "On what side are you Gold heart?"

"On the hero's side...and this is not what a hero does!"

Abi's eyes darkened, "Do your job...and we do ours." With that she joined them. Gold heart took his group and went to the factories he knew where nearby. He couldn't hide his face on how terrible this situation got out of hand. Thousands of children in poor conditions left the building holding their hands to their faces. Not ones have seen the sun for some time which made gold heart furious. One of the heroes gave him the bad news, "We cannot leave the Island."

He noticed the shield in the sky but wasn't aware that it would trap everyone inside, "Black hat would even sacrifice his own members?" Gold heart mentally slapped himself to being naïve.

"This is no war...this is a playfield for butchers."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now