15. Black hat resort

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Heading off to the fair, we stopped outside for a minute.

The old lady found her missing cat, but it had no more lives left. Lying there with his eyes rolled up, like it had experienced something terrible before all life was drained. The sight was disturbing, but Abigail managed to get me out of my thoughts.

"Y/N, hurry up! The fair won't wait for us."

Carrying our black boxes, we seen two more women with the same present. At the fair, there was a different kind of boat. Before you can enter, there are the hat bots, checking all invitations one by one. What worried us as it was our turn, they pushed us aside and said we should wait there. We looked at each other puzzled, being the last ones on the boat. Not too far from us was the usual one for hat Island. Unlike ours, there were a lot of men with the same kind of letters for the hat bots to look at. A few villains nearby had watched them as well, as one said, "Why is Black hat having two parties?"

"Two?" I said quietly. No one ever mentioned another part, not even the news.

"My ex got invited, who knows what they do. They even got top hats as presents." According to her ex, he seemed to be thrilled to gain an invitation. Looking back to the boat, they all seem to be very happy with that, just like the ladies here. Abigail didn't say anything while we were on our way over the ocean, passing hat Island.

"Abs, why aren't we heading for the Island?"

"Because we go to his resort"

"What resort?"

She pointed to the left, showing a smaller Island...Black hat resort.

"It is supposed to be a place where you send your minions for a vacation." Not that I ever seen Abi having a henchman, but all villains knew that one. The excitement grew as the ladies were pushing all towards the entrance. Abi and I stayed at the back, watching from a far. The large gates open, showing Dr. Flug and 505. They checked the letters once more...and even took the hats of from some ladies. I didn't understand, nudging Abigail's side, "What is the meaning of this?"

She shrugged, "maybe it is to sort out a few candidates"

My eyes lit up, "You mean, they aren't wife material?" I hoped it would be the case, waiting for my turn. Flug didn't show any sign of being happy to see me, saying in a rather flat tone, "letter"

"Flug, its me"

"Same thing...letter"

I gave it to him, getting the magic words, "I was informed to take your present"

"No problem" without any hesitation I pushed it into his arms, gaining an irritated look. That really lift my mood, the vacation can start.

As my eyes wandered around the place, Abigail and Flug were on their own. Even she must give up her gift. The doctor leaned towards her whispering, "You haven't told her yet, have you?"

"She finds out soon enough"

Flug sighted, checking his list, "My Lord is expecting you at six in room 623. Don't be late."

The blue bear was already done with his task, going back inside. The minute he tells me, his eyes sparkled. He didn't forget that we had so much fun with the coloring books. He wanted to make my stay special by making self-made cocktails later. My eyes were still enjoying the place. There was so much to see, so much to do I wasn't sure what to do first. Bubbles baths, a pool with slides, a dance floor, massage areas and many more things. Maybe it wasn't so bad to come here after all. I thought of something more...gruesome. Thankfully I didn't see what is below the resort.

Some of the other lady villains had the same thought, but also had some other thing in mind. Afterall there are here for one thing. For this, it was not surprise that they were eyeing their competitors. Being evil means that this will be worse than a normal cat fight among woman...I fear of a massive bloodbath. Better keep my distance to them while I am here. Abigail is the only one I trusted enough to be around, since she knows how I feel about Black hat.

Speaking of the man, he wasn't anywhere near the resort.

He was in his office on hat island, welcoming the men in his mansion. He didn't smile as his male visitors entered the room; all hold the top hats in their hands. Folding his hands together he leaned back, "Welcome gentleman."

At the same time, a villain came towards me.

Not sure of what to think of her, she offered me her top hat. She still had hers. Holding my hands up to refuse the offer, she insisted that I take it. Explaining that this makes her no candidate for black hat got my attention. In a split second, I snatched it off her hands. Happily, she left me. I looked at the hat. After all this time, I never wore it. Does it even fit?

Without any thought I held it up to my head.

Inched away form my hair, I heard someone scream at me.


In an instant, he pushed the hat off me.

"Flug, what's gotten into you?!"

He looked shocked, holding his breath, "Who.... gave you...the hat?"

"That woman over there" I said, simply pointing at her. The doc immediately took the hat back to his rightful owner before heading towards me, "Don't ever take a hat and wear one, you hear me!" He never yelled at me like that but obeyed him. Grabbing my arm, we headed towards the bar, where 505 was practicing on the drinks. Flug offered me one, now looking exhausted.

"You ok Flug?"

"I am fine. Just don't get involved with the other women, ok?"

"But she said everyone that has a hat is no candidate for your boss."

"She lied to you"

I leaned forward, "Then what does the hat stand for?"

He got stiff, "Special members of the organization"

Of course, why didn't I think sooner of this? The highest ones wear a top hat. But as I looked around, everyone has one...how many high members does he have? Flug assured me that this has nothing to do with sorting out the candidate to be Black hats wife...oh no...it is far worse...

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now