14. The Gift

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Her eyes looked inside the store, receiving nothing but glares from all of us.

The flowers didn't make it any better, not even as her hands held it over to me, "Friends?"

"You are no friend" I said below a whisper, leaving there at the counter. Abi followed right away, "You can't run away forever, we have to talk"

"We did"

"We argued and shouted, not talked"

I fear that she wont stop until it is settled. Since we live together it could be a problem, "What you did was out of order Abs, why should I trust you?" Her face turned away, looking towards the floor, "I thought it would be a good thing for you"

"Oh yeah, getting threatened by the biggest villain of all time to end my life...lucky me."

"I didn't mean it like that" her true intention came forward as I pushed her. At the end, she tired to lead me towards the life of a villain, hoping that Black hat would be the ideal person to show me the ropes. Basically, her intention was to make me turn to a villain. She did that before but never involved black hat before. Because of his invitation she saw an opportunity.

"I am not going."

"But he threatened you"

"I got my watch back, so I can die happy"

Her expression turned to a worried look, "I think you should go. You can keep your distance from him."

"I fear he won't return the favor."

"There will be hundreds of women dying to do anything to gain his attention, why should he be so interested in you?"

I shrugged, she has a point, "Beats me."


"Abi, lets get one thing straight."


"I go..." her lips were about to open, as I held my hand towards her to stop, "...but once its all over. I pack my bags and leave...for good."

She hesitated for a minute, as she asked me slowly, "...so...we aren't friends anymore?"

"Abs, you have hurt me bad time, you even put me into danger. That is not what friends do"

With that said, we haven't spoken to another for the rest of the day.

At hat island, Dr. Flug got ready to arrange everything for the party. He had planned it all through, including the demands his boss has for his new wife. He even had to study all the ladies that will arrive. And according to him, it took months to get them through. As he went through my file, he couldn't find much. Obviously, as I am not member of the organization or a villain, I am just a regular citizen, no one special.

Although, I used to be that person for a certain man.

Flug closed my file and went through a small book. There he stored all the memories of his past, like the ones he had in school with Cecilia, his classmates, the article of him and gold heart and us. Flug slept at the bookstore one night as Demencia locked us in. He took a photo of us, as I cuddled up to him. That was the first and only time I got that close to him...and his heart. His brows dropped at the photo, leaving out a loud sigh, "...that's all in the past..." After he found out I betrayed him, he punished himself even further to let his emotions get the best of him. Love doesn't seem to be in store for him. Everyone who got close to his heart had abused it. I was no exception. But he does remember the times we had fun together, inventing new gadgets, support him with his experiments...

Another sigh left his lips, "I haven got time for this." Inside the lobby were hundreds of black boxes, ready to be send out. All the hat bots took a dozen of them and headed towards the vans outside. A little gift sends out to all the ladies for tomorrow.

And we received ours in the middle of the night.

Another loud banging against our front door got me out of my bed. Like a sloth I headed towards the noise and opened for the visitor, "Do you know what time it is?!"

"Present for Y/N and Abigail" said the rather large robot before me.

The minute I held them in my hands, it turned around and left.

"Odd" was all I could say, closing the door.

Opening my present, I reached out a large, tall hat, the same he is wearing. On it was a card attached to it. We were supposed to be wearing them for the special occasion at the party. I couldn't care less, dropping it on the kitchen table. Sleep was more important now. Turning off the lights, I left the kitchen, not seeing the hat move a little.

And I assumed that Abi was behind it.

Because in the morning, it was gone. Furious I searched the entire place for it, even kicking her out of bed because of that hat.

"Where is it?"

"What is where?" she grumbled, pulling the sheet over her head.

"That top hat of mine"

"Since when do you have a hat?"

"Since last night. We are supposed to take them with us to the party."

Again, we got into another argument. She really got on my nerves, but since we aren't friends anymore, she doesn't have to make this anymore difficult than it must be. Abi helped me to find it, assuring me that she has nothing to do with this. Later that day, we heard something at the door. Thinking it could be the postman, I opened the door.

It was him, but he seemed to be frightened by something...something at my doorstep.

"Finally!" I breathed out, seeing my hat on the mat.

Picking it up, the post man panicked running out screaming.

"What is his problem?"

Checking the hat for any damage, I noticed a bit of fur inside, "Damn animal." Grabbing inside, I found some little brown bits. "Oh no..." sniffing on it I relaxed, "...false alarm, just some cat food." Closing the door another one opened below ours. An old lady walked out yelling, "Lucky, where are you? Strange, he never missed out a meal before."

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