51. Dead or alive

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Flug prepared everything for dinner. He heard the cries as well as the laughter coming from the office if I do my job well. The customers were coming and going as they were queueing up outside the mansion. With the last one done a try full of snacks and tea was ready to treat my efforts for the night. Flug hoped that he can calm me down of only a little with this peace offering.

On his way he noticed the sound of a helicopter flying over the mansion. Which was very unusual for the island. Only black hat and his minions had permission for flying in this area. Politely he knocked a few times before entering. He did it slowly in case I fell asleep.

The office was a mess.

Followed by the tray falling off his hands.

The note wasn't only on the table to read but also written over the walls in hot pink for Everyone to see. His body shuddered as he could feel a presence being behind him, "Sir?"

Black hat didn't make a sound of disappointment or anger. He walked past the doctor his hands behind his back and a neutral expression. After he read the words on the wall he broke the silence with a menacing tone, "...where is she?"

Flug wasn't sure. This didn't satisfy his Lord the slightest almost choking the doc to death, "...What are you standing here for...find her! Demencia!"

In a blink of an eye, she fell off the ceiling saluting, "Yes my Lord!"

"You better find my wife till midnight, or I will have two more ghosts in this mansion."

The doc bit his lip, refusing to ask why black hat doesn't get her in person. He could easily find my whereabouts and rescue me in seconds. Demencia leaned over the desk and stared at her Master with heart eyes, "You are not coming my love?"

Black hat hissed as he backed off from the desk, "She isn't worth to get my hands dirty."

Flug's tongue slipped, "So you give her up like that?" Immediately he shut it, praying for forgiveness. Black hat shrugged to his surprise, "I can always get a new wife". Demencia shrieked, "Really...a new one?" He watched with disgust how Dem put lipstick on her lips making kissing gestures towards him. His tone darkened, "Flug, get my wife dead or alive!" Flug froze up. Demencia looked disappointed as well as irritated, "Dead?"

Black hat turned around towards the window, "That depends on how long you two idiots will take. Midnight is the deadline starting now."

Flug grabbed Demencia by her hoodie and rushed to the flying hat. 505 was told to stay cleaning up the office for once. Normally he wasn't allowed to be in there but tonight it was an exception. Black hat moaned out in pain seeing that blue bear with the vacuum cleaner and maid outfit, "Absolute revolting." He disappeared the scene before he tore this bear apart and went back to bed.

His servants tried Heeds hideout only to find it abandoned. Demencia looked through her phone for black hat photos while Flug thought of where I could be. Only a message and a few hours till midnight to get me, the doc guessed that this was pay back for his betrayal. His head lowered in shame.

While mine looked up.

Finally waking up I lied on the ground of a helicopter. No one was around not even in the cockpit. We must have landed somewhere as shouting could be heard from outside. It sounded like a fight of around five people from what I could guess from the voices. A sudden shake of the helicopter moved me against the wall. I winced at the loud crash. Someone ripped the whole door off his hinges. With wide eyes I watched the scenario. A person ripped it off with his bare hands! It was a tough woman. Her glare went from a grumpy mean stare to a happy expression saying in a high-pitched voice, "I got her!". Pulling on my leg I was thrown over her shoulder and she left the place singing a happy tune. From the backside I saw Miss Heed and her companion unconscious on the ground. I sighted, getting kidnapped twice a day was worse than taking on Black hats job. Lost in thought I watched something fall to the ground. My mind didn't pay any attention to it didn't look important. Just some piece of fabric or something.

Other than that, the crash was a saint for me.

Flug noticed the smoke and head towards it. He saw the kidnapper but not me. Not to be bothered to see her butt back to jail Flug gestured for Demencia to search through the helicopter. Like a dog she sniffed around, "It smells familiar". She crawled passed Flug and towards the desert area, seeing something, "AH!"

Flug was on alert" You found her?"


This wasn't Demencia's scream of finding a body but to find...

She held it towards Flug's face. He didn't look impressed, "You got to be kidding me. Of all the stuff you can find and it's this?"

...a hand puppet of black hat. This one wasn't slender but more...more...

Flug shuddered, "Oh no."

"Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Demencia drooling uncontrollably, "Lets goooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Now it was her turn to pull on Flug's lab coat towards the flying hat.

Meanwhile I arrived at a new place in the middle of nowhere. Looking around I couldn't help but think of why anyone would a thing like that in this place? The building was huge. Inside it got even more bizarre. Who are they? And why would such people kidnap me?

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now