58. Manipulated

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I understood that their situation wasn't the best for a child but, why pointing a gun at me? Even the fact that they had a gun in the first place got me thinking. I spend some of my free time helping them doing their homework for the black hat academy, there was no line they would get a gun. Axes, rope, slingshot, fire, TNT...but no guns.

The one holding the weapon looked straight into my eyes. Scared and insecurity filled them, while his hands trembled. His brother kept crying loudly, now falling to the ground.

"How can this be my fault?" I asked.

"You...you got our mom into this..." he removed the safety, "...you stole him from that lady..." he held it up higher towards my head, "...YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!"


My breath stopped for a minute. Thankfully he wasn't trained well otherwise the bullet could have made a hole between my eyes, instead it scratched my ear lightly, leaving a tiny cut.

"No...that wasn't me."

The boy was terrified for missing his opportunity and stepped back. I stepped forward. Expecting to get punished he dropped the gun and held his arm before his face. Not expecting what comes next...

...a hug...

...a warm and gentle hug...

His cries were loud, but his ear was close enough to hear me whisper, "I am so glad you are alright." His little brother got up and hugged me as well, just like we used to in the past. I offered them to listen to my version of the story while investigating about the killing attempt. And it didn't take long to find out.

Abgail never had a chance to tell her children the truth, as she wasn't allowed to see them until her debts are paid. Just because they were given to me it didn't help her get her babies back. The one causing this was none other than Lady Tornado. Her hatred towards me, although I was still a maid back then, was strong enough to manipulate the children to hate me to the very core of existence. I am not surprised; the boys heard this every day from her lips. Since I wasn't allowed to see them, I had no idea what was planned this whole time. But one thing was never mentioned.

"But where did you get the gun?"

The boys looked at each other before their eyes were fixed on the floor.

"You can tell me. I am not angry with you."

The little one cried again, "You will."

Asking the other on that he answered, "We don't want to cause any more trouble."

"Seriously, you just tried to kill me, and you call this more trouble?"

They stayed silent.

At least I knew where they held captive. The security was manipulated till this day for the children to escape but only to kill me. Lady Tornado was smart but not smart enough. The houses around the mansion had underground lairs filled with machines designed for children. The boys told me how poorly they get treated and even bullied by their own kind. Apparently, the bullies get point for this and will have a better chance to get back into the academy. Only one in a year gets this chance and the points system was cruel and inhuman. Nothing that the boys wanted to learn. Their mother wasn't the ruthless type either and took her as their role model of a villain...unaware that she was the worst at her job. For her children she was the best villain ever.

I bit my lip. Ther sparkle in their eyes as they talked about the past was hard to endure. They talk about a mother that was only a façade to give them the most normal family villain life as possible. She was not a saint...she never was and never will be...but how should you tell it to the boys who adore their mother?

Without any powers to get them out of the child labor would it be worse if I destroy the only thing good in their lives. My lip started to bleed at this point.

"I try to talk to my husband if he can make an exception for you two" was my solution to this. But the minute I mentioned him they tensed up...trembling in fear. The little one begged me not say anything. I had to promise to take this incident to my grave, not a single word to that man. With that we heard a siren going off. The boys turned around holding each other's hands, "We have to get back."

But not without a bone-crushing hug as farewell.

Later that night I had to go after my job again. Seeing the contracts made me sick to even look at. Black hat arrived later that night looking over my shoulder.

"How is everything going?"

I sighted, "One hundred and thirty-two new members and one million sentenced to death."

"Sentenced to death?" he asked amused.

"Cannot pay their debts in time...happy?"

Unfazed he placed a file in front of me, "That's your new task tonight." A massive folder containing documents of all the students of the academy. One that are still in...and the others...

"What do you want me to do?"

He leaned over resting his head on my shoulder, before whispering in my ear, "TO decide their fate."

He cannot be serious?! Adults that are stupid enough to get into these contracts is one thing, but children??? Pushing the folder away I got up looking deep into Black hats eye, "I will not do this. This is going to far!"

"Not all all..." he said in a friendly gesture but changed instantly to a deep voice as he held the papers for Aby's kids in my face, "...this is." He sentenced them to death.

"How can you do this?! They are innocent children; they didn't do anything wrong!"

Suddenly he held the gun in his hand, looking at it amused. My thought was on where he got it in the first place.

"I thought you would punish them yourself after they tried to kill you. Maybe I shall integrate guns into the school curriculum for easy disposal of...the weak. Making sure they wont miss."

"I know you are evil but this beyond everything I known about you."

"So will you take on your new task?" his friendly voice made my stomach twist. He would spare the boys if I chose others to die instead." Knowing that crying would only worsen the situation I sat back down and opened the file. Black hat gave me the papers and ordered me to change the last lines.

He was about to leave as I couldn't hold back my words, "Why are you doing this?"

"For my own amusement...my dear."

I didn't answer.

"Oh, and by the way..." he held the gun up, "...so nice of you to return this to me."

My mouth dropped alongside my pen, "...your gun..."

"Who do you think gave it to them in the first place?" My eyes turned dark while my body trembled in anger. But black hat sees this as a good sign, unlike that he had to witness, "I was curious on how you react to this situation...unfortunately it was...very disappointing."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now