35. Some contract

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My jaw dropped...Abi's pride and joy? In the hands of the evil warlord?
He already crossed several lines but this really is a new level of evil.

Flug gestured to me to keep quiet before leaving. Not too long after, I was told to go to Black hats office. The one that told me to go was none other than Abi. Her face was drenched in tears, make up decorating her cheeks in black smutges. If I wouldn't have been so mad at her for selling me off, I might have some sympathy for her. Of course I like her children and care for their safety...but she doesn't need to know that.

"What do you want?" With one finger, I silently pushed the bag of tissues towards her. She shook her head, sobbing, "He...wants...to see...you".

"Of course he does. He probably wants his drink."

Reaching for his usual wine glass.

"No, he wants to ... discuss ... something with you."

"Still applies"

Her lips wobbled from crying so much. I bet the Lord won't be in a good mood after her dramatic approach. Who can blame her? That I poured a toxic liquid into the glass didn't make the situation less welcoming. She gasped at the sight, as I got concerned.

"What, wrong liquid?"

"It is poison"

"Thanks Abi, now I feel much better." Her eyes didn't leave the glass, "Are you trying to prison him?"

"Naturally...but it's not working. I haven't found the right dose for that psycho."

"You can get into trouble for this"

"I get into one if I don't serve him his special drink"

Her look was priceless, "...special drink?"

"It seems to me you don't know much about your Loverboy as you thought."

Abi's mouth closed, silence filled the air.

"I thought so, excuse me"

"Is there any chance to make it up to you?"

There was no worth looking back, "...geez...you must be desperate"

There's no doubt that I might see her soon enough, but right now black hat is waiting for his drink. I wonder what kind of shenanigans is he up to now? On a long discussion with Abi he must be in need for some entertainment.

It is a mystery to me, how does he know who stands in front of his door? My knuckles didn't even touch the surface as I heard him from the other side saying, "Come in Y/N". Terrified to be called by my name, I hesitated at first.

"...hurry up..."

His face matches his mood, annoyed to the very core. No wonder, after Abi's outburst.

"...Sit..." His finger gestured to the chair, "...down".

Obeying him, my eyes followed his hand. It flew over a massive piece of paper. At first he sounded rushed but now, he took his time...an awful long time...


It sounded like a forbidden word in this room, as his eyes darkened. Placing the tray towards him, I gasped. It slides over the desk without him touching the tray, standing beside him.

"You know why you are here?"

"How could I forget?" Sounded simple and straight forward.

He shook his head, "Pity, I assumed to see your pathetic mood at the news."

"News...what news?"

Abigail has waited for some time at the kitchen. Black hat ordered her to wait there. Flug was told to pick her up and guide her through the mansion. Not a single word was allowed to escape her lips.

Silence that could make you mad filled the air. She fiddled with her clothes, looking in every corner, getting the feeling of being watched the whole time. Flug however, remained his calm and collected self, gesturing her to follow him down the stairs. On their way, she had to witness several creatures stuck in cages, tubes and....

"Oh my Lord ~"

...some are running free with large pillows.

Flug sends a few hat bots after her, before facing Abi, "They are here". She watched with tears in her eyes at the scene. Several children as well as her own stood at tables working on assembling metal parts to another.

"This is not right"

The doc shrugged, "If it wasn't for them the orders couldn't be done in time". They take most of Flugs dirty work while his main focus is the technology inside the robots. Abigail begged him to spare her children, offering everything she has.

Flug looked at her, trying to be not affected by her worries, "You have nothing to offer...not anymore...". She got closer to the doc, touching his arm seductively.

But for Flug was this worthless. He brushed her hand off, "I got a tight schedule and so do you from now on. Here is a list of what you have to do."

Abi's eyes widened, "What is this?"

At the office, I had the same question in my head, once black hat pushed the piece of paper towards me. It was a contract.

"I am not signing this" I said without reading, knowing what he is after. Black hat looked affected, almost amused, "Don't you want to be free?"

"There is a catch...with you there must be one."

He tried to suppress a grin, "Don't you trust me?

"Yes!" Blunt but true, I thought.

He lets me read the contract in silence, Not interupting me at all. Minutes have past and still not a sound from the Lord. The things he wrote was preposterous and rude. It's like selling my souls to him on my own free will. Am I not punished enough?

"There's no hurry" he said breaking the silence.

He pulled the paper in his hands and rolled it up. The next he placed it into my hands, "One week. You got that long to decide your path of life."

"I work here without my free will, why should I sign this?"

"Because...." He got closer, "...as of today..." His hand grabbed mine and shook it lightly, "...you are free to go."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now