53. Manager?!

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Flug and Demencia had enough of those ridiculous muscular pose buddies. They finished them off quickly...well Dem did. Flug leaned against the wall and observed her rage from the distance. Dolencia's obsession over hot body black hat didn't help her win, especially as she said it out loud. For Demencia was this an extra boost to finish her off. As for Dr. Flex she just throws him out the window for fun.

Flug stared at his watch before clapping his hands together, "Right on time. Let's deal with the real threat in this place."

Once they reached the second floor Dem was drooling uncontrollably. At this point it did not matter as the elevator was still wet from the previous incident. But apart from Black hot I was nowhere to be found. Flug demanded to see me as the muscular men stopped his pushups. He recognized the two but pretended not to care, "Who?"


"You mean hot sweet?"

Now it was Flug's turn to be irritated unlike black hot he didn't pretend, "Who?!"

His poses didn't help the doc as he rambled on, "The sweet lady of the night, the shine of my eye, the..."
Flug screamed out in frustration, "Stop! This doesn't make any sense...and Dem, stop drooling!"

It is a surprise how one woman drools that much to cause a massive puddle. Her eyes shaped as hearts couldn't look away from the handsome man before her. Whenever he flexes his muscles, she wants to howl in admiration. As expected, she didn't learn from their previous encounter and fell right into his trap. A large cage fell trapping them inside. Black hot smiled at the two. Flug narrowed his eyes and Dem tried to bite the bars off.

"Not again" moaned Flug.

"Come back here, you handsome beast grrrr~!" purred Demencia trying to reach for him.

Black hot laughed out loud posing once more, "Victory! This time he sure must come to rescue you from my grasp."

The doc blinked in slow motion before saying in a monotone voice, "...he won't..."


Flug shrugged, "Lord black hat will never rescue us, not even if his wife is in danger."

"You mean hot sweet?"

"Y/N! Her name is Y/N!"

Dem pressed herself against the cage hoping for her arms to reach her love, "I can be your hot sweet. Eat me my Lord~!"

The doc shuddered, "You two are sick."

Flug had to listen to them exchanging their weird conversation while I was in another room. Not to far mind, it was a storage room full of weights and other equipment's to build up muscles. Only one wall was full of other stuff, and this is what I am aiming for. After Black hot got so close to me I feared the worst as his hand reached for my chin while starting about a conversation about us. Assuming he wanted something I didn't want to give he smiled wide at my face and said:

"We can make this work."

"Oh no" I said quickly "I am not going to be your..."

"We shall plan this partnership!"

"I am not going to be your partner!"

Black hot looked at me confused, "Not you...Black hat himself shall be my partner. Together we will rule the world."

"So, what is the deal with us then?" still fearing the worst he got up and pushed me towards that small room.

"Well, you're the manager. Get the typewriter...we got a lot of work to do."

I raised my brow but the only word that came to my mind was that he was pathetic. Kidnapping me to be his manager in planning for his partnership with my husband? Why not send me back home I ask him nicely and call him back what was said. But no, making this complicated as hell...sure they must be related to another. During my thoughts I found the typewriter blowing the dust off, "Why do I get kidnapped by windows. Why can it be someone with some sanity? Or someone with a proper evil plan?"

One foot into the same room and Flug was the first to yell at me, "What's the big idea Y/N!? Of all villains you must strand in this place...with him?" I didn't even look at black hot knowing he was posing at me with a smile. Demencia howling gave me the clue.

"This was not my choice. You should install better defense systems inside the mansion to prevent it in the first place."

Dem grinned evil at black hot, "You can kidnap me anytime."

No one commented that.

I placed the typewriter on the floor before sitting down, "Now what?"

Black hot ignored his prisoners and ordered me to write down all demands that had to be fulfilled to make this partnership work. Flug and I looked at each other probably thinking the same thing about that villain. I had to suppress my laughter at some points knowing Black hat would rather destroy the earth, his very existence before accepting the demands. I shuddered as a possibility of a double marriage was wished for. Yeah, not going to happen, I thought. One black hat on my finger is enough.

Meanwhile Flug's phone rang.

Black hot was distracted to notice as the doc took the call, "...yes?"

"...what is taking you so long?" the deep growl of Black hat made Flug shudder. He forgot that this was a mission on time.

"Well, we found her..."

"...and?" his deep voice sounded impatient.

"Well, she is with...that guy...you know him..." Flug didn't have to see him to know that black hat was looking disgusted.

"...I know...and?"
"Well we are kind of...stuck."

For a minute nothing was heard until a loud roar was heard on black hats side. Flug panicked, "We get her back I swear."

"That stupid son of a...FLUG! Hurry up and fix this tablet thing! Click..."

Black hat will never be a fan of technology devices. Flug gave him enough tablets, but he always runs his claws through them. He placed the phone back into his lab coat facing Demencia, "We have to hurry Lord Black hat is getting impatient and you know what this means."

Demencia looked at him with a wicked smile, "sweet, sweet punishment~"

"You're not normal woman."

Looking at me suppressing my laughs didn't help either as Flug facepalmed himself.

"You're insane, the both of you."

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now