48. Finally...a wedding

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Black hat demanded to get married once the sun has set. I never questioned this until now. The whole mansion has their curtains closed all day and at night he pulls them aside. Only on occasions he didn't hesitate to let in some light...and to pour gasoline on Demencia and her band she hired.

She never gave up impressing her Master.

And this time I gave her the chance to do it again. We discussed the plan before I had to see Black hat once more. He wasn't a man that loves surprises and demanded everything to be perfect. Especially at the face of dozens of villains. I asked Flug for this arrangement, "I am aware that he is feared as well as hated so, how come he got guests here?" The doc looked at me and nodded lightly, „I don't blame you to ask...there are all here to lower their debts." Black hat would allow that if they attempt his wedding. The whole world shall we us exchanging our wedding vows.

"Figures. Wait...vows? I must declare my love for him?!"

"Isn't it what marriage is all about?"

I growled at Flug, "Not if you are forced to bond ties with a man you never loved in the first place."

The doc shrugged unimpressed while holding his tablet towards my face, "There are plenty of those on the internet...take your pick."

Well I got plenty of time ot think of one. Next off was Black hat and the food inspection. Or shall I say my inspection? As I had to taste test most of it. Only a few specials were tasted by him, which I wasn't allowed to smell. From the label I wouldn't dare. It was poison. Still...he stands.

"Pitty" I said quietly.
"Dissapointed dear?"

"You always do, so no surprise there."

He gestured the caterer to store the liquor somewhere out of sight, "We wouldn't be booking a funeral all too soon now, wont we?"

I gave him a glare, "A funeral for you would be a waste of money, nerves, and fake tears. Besides my bad luck isn't working. Nothing bad happened yet."

He chuckled before leaving towards a room, "We shall see."

Demencia saw the whole situation from the ceiling. She climbed down and took notes. Curious I looked over her shoulder, "What are you writing about?"

"My vows" she said before laugh like a creep.

"May I see...or could I lend one of those lines?" With no hesitation Dem handed it over. Looking over the page I read out loud, "...I promise to always kill for you, obey you, and be your only biggest fan. Only?"

She held up an ax as I waved at her that there is no need to kill, "Never mind. Next line. I promise to love and satisfy your every... next!"

One line was worse than the next. I must think mine through, "Thank you Dem but I pass."

Needing some fresh air, I went outside. Two massive hatbots looked at me. I gave them a sign to relax, "Chill dudes. I am not leaving." Turing their backs on me I walked around the mansion. Here I had some privacy to think of something to say as I watched the sun is starting to hide behind the houses.

Flug leads me through the corridor. I held his arm while the other the bouquet.

"I cannot believe I am doing this."

Flug nodded, "I cannot believe you plan this with Demencia."

"If I die because of this, I die with style."

The docs hand grabbed my hand tenderly, "I hope you are prepared for this."

For the first time we were allowed to go into a room that was normally forbidden for any staff to enter. I shrugged at the sight. A massive hall...oh wow that must be kept sealed to the public. Decorated with red and black curtains, tables covered with white cloth and decoration everywhere.

Black hat was already standing there. At this moment I gave Demencia a signal.

The villains all got silent as Dementia covered her face with a veil and walks before me. Once she stood beside Black hat, Flug and I sat down. The priest started his speech as Black hat kissed Demencia's hand. We could all see her shudder under his touch. I leaned back and watched the show, while Flug was scared of the outcome. And it had to come to an end...as the wedding vows were exchanged. Of course it was Ladies first for Black hat. Demencia couldn't choose between one line so she read them all out. The minute she spoke, Black hat backed off in shock, "DEMENCIA?!"

Looking around he was furious to see me in the front row laughing. Flug was just sweating hard.

"Demencia, get out of here!!!!" he barked as she sang on her way out. Givign me a thunbs up I stood up and walked to Black hat. Instantly he grabbed my arm tight, "What is the meaning of this?"

"Never heard of a prank before?"

He sure had to contain his anger to get this over with. The priest tried his best to hurry the speech until we reached the vows. Black hat wanted to skip that part as I took out a piece of paper, "May I?"

"This better not be another prank" he said under his breath.

"Nope. It is real."

Clearing my throat, I said out loud:

"To the hell and back I shall follow you,

since I have nothing better to do.

If I live or die,

I shall pester you till the end of time.

As divorcing me is no option to you,

you will stuck with me... ha, jokes on you."

Unlike Black hat the crowd cheered while I bowed at them. Which only lasted three seconds.

Surprisingly he also held a paper in his hands and cleared his throat, smiling wide:

"As your husband I shall be,

nothing you have ever seen.

I shall give you all to great extent,

until you cherish my demand.

All deeds or rules will be gone,

Till our lips...seal the bond."

The crowd cheered while I leaned towards the priest, "This sounds like one of his contracts. Is this legal?"

The priest pointed at the massive logo of a black hat at the wall behind him, "It is his church so he can do what he wants."

Ah nuts!

Arrangement without return (Reader x Black hat)Where stories live. Discover now