Chapter 19

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The Nemesis

In the Bridge of the Nemesis, Megatron is with Soundwave as they are in the Main Console located at the front of the Bridge. There, they are talking to a Cybertronian on the Screen, those two are none other than Lockdown and Stinger, this is a couple of hours after their attack on Atlas and Mantle.

Megatron: Lockdown, Stinger, report.

Stinger: All Sectors in the City of Mantle are now in our control, all resistance have been destroyed. Those that remain are being hunted down by my Sentries. We do not have confirmation that Team RWBRN is still alive, but we will report to you once we've located them.

Lockdown: As for me, I have successfully done as you asked, Megatron. Atlas is nothing but ruin and their Forces, all but destroyed.

Megatron: Excellent work, you two. As for you Lockdown. You may want to look in the Hangar Bay of your Ship, we have given you your reward as promised.

He can see Lockdown looking at the Screen on his end as another screen forms up, showcasing a Decepticon Dropship bringing in one of the Relics to Lockdown's Ship, it is none other than the Star Saber, still stuck to the large Boulder. They can see the Decepticon Dropship drop the Boulder on the Ship as the Shadow Raiders bring it inside.

Lockdown: Impressive, and here I thought you won't put up your end of the bargain.

Megatron: I am a Man of my word, Lockdown. If you continue doing more work for me, I will continue to reward you.

Lockdown: Very well, but remember this, the only reward I want the most from this Planet is to deal with that wretched Arc Clan. They will pay for crossing with me.

Megatron: And you will get it. Soundwave, please inform Lockdown of what Jade has provided us regarding the Arc Clan.

Soundwave walks over to the Console and proceeds to type on it, now showcasing images of the Arc Clan's Secret Bases, what remains of Chronos as well as that of the Elders, they even focused on the Nicolas Arc Family, seeing them in a horrible state with Jean not looking all too happy in the images.

Soundwave: The Human, Jade Arc, has provided us with the information of everything there is to know of the Arc Clan and the intel sent by Laserbeak confirms it. The Arc Clan are hiding out in their Secret Bases around Mistral, the Humans have not left the Base whatsoever, Ravage and Laserbeak shall continue surveillance and will inform me if anything of interest occurs, Lord Megatron.

Megatron: Excellent, seeing the state the pathetic Arc Clan are in. One full-frontal assault will be enough to take them out for good.

He then turns his attention to Lockdown and Stinger.

Megatron: Lockdown, I will contact you if I will need your services again. As for you Stinger, continue with the hunt.

The two Decepticons nod and the transmissions ends. Megatron now focuses on one Screen that was present during the entire conversation. There, we see none other than Salem herself.

Megatron: I take it you are pleased on what we did to Atlas?

Salem: I am, even if you destroyed Ironwood's defenses and eliminated majority of his Soldiers. You still haven't acquired the Relic in the Vault of Atlas.

Megatron: On the contrary, we have something better to show you. To prove just how effective and efficient we really are. Soundwave, show our Guest what we have acquired.

Soundwave nods and presses a button on the Console, three Screens have now popped up, showing Shatter in the ruins of Haven Academy, Nitro Zeus in the Deserts of Vacuo, and Create-a-Bot in the Decepticon Base that was built under Beacon Academy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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