Chapter 8

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Up in the skies, just a few miles from Mt. Glenn. The Atlas Fleet is on standby and are awaiting orders from Ironwood.

Ironwood stares at Darkmount, unsure of this plan. He wants to attack them right now, but Ozpin told him it's a bad idea and that he will lose his entire Fleet if he even dares to attack.

Ironwood: Ozpin, are you sure this is even a good idea? We contacted these Robotic Beings minutes ago and yet haven't responded to us for a while now.

Ozpin: What choice do we have, James? More and more of your Bases and SDC Mines are getting destroyed. We are defenseless and our resources are decreasing by the day. This is our only chance to plead to these Robotic Beings to stop this madness and learn why they are doing this.

Ironwood was hesitant of this and has a bad feeling something is going to happen.

Ozpin: What have we done to incur their wrath?

Ironwood: That I do not know, Ozpin.

They hear footsteps behind them and turned around to see Goodwitch and Qrow walking up to them.

Goodwitch: We got word from the robot's fortress and they allowed to speak with us, but only on one condition.

Ironwood: And what is that?

Qrow: To only have one ship enter the Fortress, the Fleet stays.

Ironwood: What?! Absolutely not!!

Ozpin: Very well then.

Ironwood looks towards Ozpin in anger, what is he thinking?! They won't have any defense against these robots and one Bullhead ain't enough at all!!

Ozpin: It's either we give in to their demands or your Fleet turns to ash. Pick the logical option, James.

Looking at the options right now, Ozpin may be right. So Ironwood sighs and agrees with the demands.

Qrow: Just make sure your boys don't do anything stupid, Jimmy. This is a negotiation, not an attack.

Ironwood: Yes, Qrow. I know.

Qrow: Do you? Cause I've seen what these are capable of and we will lose. No matter how many times you boast how technological advances Atlas is, these guys beat you for miles.

Ironwood can only give Qrow a glare at that comment about Atlas as the Inner Circle head to the Hangar Bay.


In the Hangar Bay of the Flagship, Ozpin's Inner Circle walks up to the Bullhead. Where they were met with the people that will join them in these negotiations. They are Winter, Oobleck, Port, Teams RWBY, PRAN, CFVY, and CRDL.

Winter: General, what's the verdict?

Ironwood: We will head to their Fortress using one Bullhead. If we even dare to attack, they will retaliate back. Ozpin wants to negotiate with these robotic beings and convince them to stop whatever plans they are doing. But quite frankly, I don't trust it. On my command, once we leave the Fortress. I will order my forces to attack.

Winter: What about the defense of Vale, sir?

Ironwood: A new batch of Soldiers and AKs are making their way to Vale as we speak. Hopefully this will be enough to hold off against an invasion.

With that, Winter can only nod.

Meanwhile, Ozpin and his Inner Circle walk up to the Staff and Students of Beacon.

Goodwitch: Alright, everyone. Listen up, we will head into the Bullhead and make our way to their Fortress. I expect all of you to be at your best behavior.

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