Chapter 12

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It's been a day after the Decepticon's hunt for the Relics. This all happened in a span of an entire day. Yes, that includes Starscream's forces defending the Offsite Laboratory from the Arc Clan.

Speaking of the Arc Clan, in the many Compounds of the Arc Clan or one of the few now, this was because of the Decepticons destroying all of their Compounds, leaving nothing for them to salvage. Inside the Houses, Liam is waiting for Alsie to arrive as he couldn't fathom on what he heard hours ago.

Jaune Arc is alive and is the leader of the faction they learned is called the Decepticons.

He didn't know what to think about hearing that. How is it possible? He saw his own Grandson; he still considers Jaune his Grandson despite the Elder's and especially Nicolas exiling and disowning him, kill him in front of his eyes. Jaune always wanted to be a Hero, to honor his ancestors, and yet his own family threw his dreams away, because they didn't believe in him.

Liam clenches his fist remembering that very day. The day he saw the Clan is nothing more than vile, cruel, and downright evil people. They are not Heroes in his eyes, just people who are corrupted by power.

Alsie: Liam.

His thoughts were interrupted when Liam saw Alsie enter the room. He rushes up to her for answers, to know if what she said is true.

Liam: Alsie, please tell me it isn't true. Please, Jaune would never turn out to be like that thing! The very same one leading the destruction of Remnant!

Alsie: I'm sorry, Liam. But I saw and heard everything. That machine, the one they call Megatron, was once our Grandson, Jaune. Because of our actions, because we weren't there to help him, support him, he was turned into a Monster. Now he's here to exact his revenge and he's not going to stop. He won't, and their's nothing we can do about it.

Liam: But why? Why did this happen to someone like him? Jaune didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve any of this. The Clan only cared about their own reputation, they are willing to dispose anyone that will make them look weak. Alsie, is this truly the Clan we tried to built, because at this point. All our Ancestors, those who built this Foundation, will be disappointed in us.

Alsie: Sadly, yes. Those who are in Chronos have gotten greedy and lustful for power. The weapons that Chronos Arc built for us, made them delusional, thinking they are invincible and no one in Remnant can stop them.

Liam: And it seems three of them payed the price of their actions.

Alsie: What do you mean? Oh Oum, don't tell me the Elders sent Chronos to deal with the Decepticons? After we lost Cerberus, I specifically said to the Elders, not to send any more of our forces. Our numbers are dwindling by the day and I don't want our manpower and resources to go to waste. 

Liam: Sadly, we can't. The Elders and most of Chronos, specially Mason, are too high up their egos to listen to reason. They are confident that Chronos can defeat the Decepticons due to the power and weapons we possess.

Alsie: And it failed spectacularly.

Liam: Indeed, we sent search parties to look for Baldor, Kranz, and Emilio. We found what's left of Kranz while Baldor and Emilio are nowhere to be found. We tried tracking their Scrolls, but they're nowhere to be found. Belze even sent a team of Huntsmen to investigate Emilio's last known location and were found dead.

Alsie could only sigh hearing this, she always knew the Clan's pride and arrogance will lead them to their downfall. It seems this time, it will.

Alsie: Quite frankly, I want the Decepticons to destroy the Arc Clan, what all our ancestors built was thrown down the drain. We hid so many dirty secrets that nobody in Remnant knows of, if this goes out. Then the Arc Clan is finished, even with the influence that we have gathered over the years, won't help us in this situation.

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