Chapter 5

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Lisa: Hello, everyone. This is Lisa Lavender, reporting to you live with breaking news. Last night, witnesses say they spotted a giant robot causing death and destruction all around Vale.

The camera footage, which is being filmed in the sidewalk, shows Demolisher passing through the streets of Vale, destroying any vehicle in his path as explosions erupt all around, causing widespread panic in the streets.

Lisa: We have footage of the mechanical being reeking havoc around the Highway, and witnesses say they saw another mechanical being causing chaos in the streets.

It now shows Demolisher making a mess in the highway with it now showing Sideways destroying a bridge and throwing cars off using his mines.

Lisa: And-wait, what's this? It appears that a group of individuals can be seen going after what appears to be another one of those machines. We got word from what's left of the Vale Police Department and found that no Huntsmen were sent to deal with this, we are still finding out who those girls are and will apprehend them for questioning. For now, this is Lisa Lavender coming to you live from-

The screen turns off, now revealing that Ozpin, alongside Goodwitch and Ironwood are in his Office, discussing about the events that happened last night. 

Ozpin: James, please report to me what happened all across Remnant.

Ironwood: Of course, Ozpin. After investigating the numerous locations, we have concluded that over a dozen bases all over Remnant have been destroyed. In Solitas, almost all of our Atlas Military Bases have been destroyed, with even a couple of Dust Mines, gone. Same goes for the Base back in Mistral, there was nothing we can salvage and all personnel are dead.

Goodwitch: As in no one at all?

Ironwood: Yes, even those in the Mistralian Navy did not survive. Not a single Soldier made it out, the Mistral Council reported to us that they lost the entire Naval Fleet, even majority of their Shipping Companies are gone.

Goodwitch: The same can be said for the Vale Police Department, almost all of the Police were taken out in one night.

Ironwood: Winter even reported majority of the supplies we brought in were all destroyed.

Goodwitch: Just what is going on? These attacks all happened in a span of a day. Ozpin, do you think this was her doing?

Ozpin: I am not sure, Salem would do something like this. But according to the reports, several eye witnesses stated seeing no Grimm at all during these attacks and the incident in the Highway already proved it.

Ironwood: Or she could be in liege with these metal beings.

Ozpin: That is a possibility as well.

Goodwitch: Speaking of the Highway incident, what do we about Team RWBY and those two Students from Haven. They were all over the news and what they did is an act of vigilantism. They cost a lot of civilians to be killed in the crossfire when they were chasing after Torchwick.

Ironwood: Who apparently died when that thing crushed him to death. They said it didn't hesitate to do so, and from what Ms. Schnee told us, the giant metal being said their leader is targeting them.

Ozpin: I see. With this new information, we may have a new enemy at our hands and one that may have allied themselves with Salem. Once Qrow is back from his mission, I will need him to-

And on cue, Qrow arrives in Ozpin's Office but in a frantic manner. He crashes at the window before flying back around and crashing again, having enough, Goodwitch goes up to the window and opens it as Qrow finally makes it in, transforming back into his human form and collapses to the ground in exhaustion.

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