Chapter 16

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In the Main Arc Compound, all of the Arc Clan has gathered in the Council Chamber Halls. Their leader, Wilzark, has gathered it's members to discuss what they have learned. That Jaune Arc, the disgraced of the Arc Clan, the boy whom they call a weakling, is the Leader of this Faction known as the Decepticons, the one that has been causing a mess in Remnant and were responsible for attacking their Compounds.

They also learned the disgrace now goes by the name, Megatron. Seeing their armies invade and destory Vale. The Arc Elders will have much to discuss on how to deal with the Decepticons and the Disgrace.

Wilzark: Now then, I believe you know why I called you all here?

He looks towards the Arc Elders as Mason walks forward to address the matter.

Mason: Indeed we do, thanks to our Scouts, they were able to gather intel regarding what has occurred in the Kingdom of Vale. Despite them perishing along with majority of the population of Vale. They were able to get the info we need.

Elder 2: Yes. To think these Decepticons have the technology to transport their forces to our home. Imagine the possibilities if we have these devices in our possession.

Elder 1: But it appears it is in the hands of the Disgrace and his weakling of an Army.

Mason: Don't worry, with this discussion. We will come up with contingency plans to eliminate and capture the Decepticons. These Aliens or how they call them, Cybertronians, from what that device the Disgrace was in possession of, showed us that they are not from this world and we must take advantage of that.

Wilzark: Their technology will suit to our needs. A step to make the Arc Clan the most powerful force in the planet and now, the Galaxy.

Elder 3: Indeed! If we can rule Remnant! Why not a Galaxy!! We can show whoever it is out there that the Arc Clan reigns supreme!!

???: Can you stop for a second and listen to yourselves! For Oum's sake!

Everyone in the room looks to the entrance to see Liam and Alise entering the Council Chambers.

Wilzark: You're late, Liam.

Liam: I had more important matters to attend to. After all, this is a huge revelation that was bestowed upon us.

Belze: Now, Father, Mother. What is it you wish to say regarding this matter. Because I believe you have words to say about this.

Alsie: You bet your ass I do!!

She can be seen heading up to the front to where all the Arc Elders are, behind her, we can see Nicolas, Juniper, and the Arc Sisters listening in closely on what their Grandmother has to say about this.

Alsie: Are you all blind or just plain out delusional? Did you see the Decepticon's invasion of Vale and their forces?! They have an army that can wipe out an entire Kingdom!! If they can do that, what more our Compounds!!

Mason: You seem to be underestimating us, Alsie. You forget what the Arc Clan and Chronos is capable of.

Liam: Need I remind you that the Decepticons easily wiped out majority of our Compounds. I've seen the footage, one Decepticon was able to wipe out seven Compounds in one night, what more an army?

Alsie: And did you forget that the Decepticons took out Baldor, Kranz, and Emilio. Remember, they are members of Chronos, one of the most powerful groups in the Arc Clan and yet they were defeated.  

Elder 1: Then those three were weak. They served their purpose and showed to us that they are useless to the Clan if they didn't defeat the Decepticons.

Jaune DecepticonWhere stories live. Discover now