Chapter 13

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Darkmount: The Nemesis

In Darkmount, the Nemesis is hovering above the Tower. Inside it's Bridge, all of the Decepticons that were sent to retrieve the Relics have all returned. They placed each of the Relics on the table, with the Tox-en placed on a containment unit to prevent any of the Cybertronains to be exposed to the Energon.

Megatron walks up to the table, with Soundwave and Shockwave behind him. He is still wearing his new armor he acquired from the ruined temple back at Vacuo and has the Dark Saber in his possession. Megatron looks at the Relics, then at his Decepticons who are standing in attention.

Megatron: I would say all of you did a job, well done. I expected some of you to fail in this mission and give me nothing but excuses, but it seems you all exceeded my expectations. I trust their weren't any problems along the way?

Barricade: There were, Lord Megatron. But they were dealt with.

Megatron: Explain. Did you encounter the humans?

Barricade: Indeed we have, Lord Megatron. The humans we engaged are members of the Arc Clan, we disposed of one and kept the other. I believe you have some uses for him. After all, they may have information regarding the Arc Clan.

Hearing what Barricade said, Megatron was confused by what he is speaking about. But remembers from Shockwave that he too, also knows about his secret and is informing him that a member of the Arc Clan is here so he can exact his revenge.

Megatron: I see, very well then. Has anyone else encountered the Arc Clan being an obstacle to our plans?

Brawl: No, Lord Megatron. We encountered the Terrorcons, but a human with special powers attacked us. We formed an "alliance" to take her out.

Blackout: And used said "alliance" to escape with the Relic.

Megatron: I see. Hmmm, a human with special powers. Shatter did report about our human contact hoping to acquire a power called the Fall Maiden. I believe this human has a similar power to that as well. A shame you couldn't acquire this human, I would have Flatline experiment on them and see if this Maiden power will benefit our cause.

Blackout: She escaped before we even began our attack.

Brawl: Yeah, she came rushing in and boasted about defeating all of us. The minute we attack, the insect ran away like a coward.

Crowbar: The same can be said for us. Although, the insects in our end weren't that much of a threat.

Crankcase (Dread): Except the walking Polarity Gauntlet.

When Megatron heard that, he immediately figured out who Crankcase is speaking of, Pyrrha Nikos. From what he can recall, her Semblance is known as Polarity and may or may not be a nuisance against him and his Decepticons.

Nitro Zeus: Walking Polarity Gauntlet?! Are you telling us that their's an insect that can control us?!

Crowbar: There is! She used her power on our weapons! That human is dangerous if kept alive!!

Megatron: Calm yourselves, Pyrrha Nikos is not a threat to us. She may have a powerful Semblance, but she is not known to use it to her fullest potential. Our Metal is far different than the metal here on Remnant, but don't let that information get into your head. If she was able to use her Semblance on our weapons, what more a few body parts.

Crowbar: Wait, Lord Megatron. How did you know the Insect's-

Soundwave: Pyrrha Nikos is part of the list of targets. We were given information about her Semblance through the Database and Lord Megatron stated she is not known to use her powers unless absolutely necessary.

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