Mrs Roy

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It's been a week since 'that' happened, and I'm still not speaking to him. Suhani and Sid left that day after dinner and I got to play with little Khushi, the only reason I tolerate Suhani and Sid.

However, I ensure he eats well and takes his medicines on time. Occasionally, he gives me attitude, but he quickly surrenders once he realizes why I'm still silent.

He had apologized to me so many times till now but I don't know I just didnt want to talk to him yet. Though I had forgiven him already, I was just messing around. He had no idea how he made me feel when he acted like that. Like he has nothing to do with my wishes or my concerns.

He cannot get away with this stubborn behavior of his by pleasuring me. I want him to do everything to me but not this way, not when we are supposed to talk and figure things out.

Rohan had started selling his art work here as he decided to spend more time with us. Mom's health was not good from past few years but now she was improving as Rohan was back and Ruhan and dad have been busy in thier work.

This morning, I woke up early while Ruhan was still asleep. I had a job interview scheduled for today, so I hurried to get ready, assisted my mom, and then headed to the office.

I went back to bedroom and gave him a soft warm kiss before I leave.

"Mam, we have arrived," the driver's voice pulled me back to the present, away from his thoughts and back to the real world.

Dressed in a white formal shirt and beige pants, I stepped out of the car and gazed up at the towering glass building before me.

Its reflective surface seemed to amplify the morning sunlight, casting a brilliant glow across its sleek facade. With a deep breath, I steadied my nerves and made my way towards the entrance.

"Hi, I have an interview at Sparks Pvt Ltd," I informed the receptionist.

"Yes, 13th floor, last cabin," she replied with a smile.

I thanked her and made my way towards the elevator, feeling my heart quicken its pace. This was only my second time interviewing for a real job like this, and the nerves were definitely there. I pulled out my earphones, drowning out my anxiety with music, allowing myself to surrender to its calming rhythm.

Just as the elevator doors were closing, a man with two guards entered, the smell of smoke trailing behind them. I rolled my eyes at him. I despised the smell of smoke; it always made me feel like I was suffocating but I should not let the distraction get the best of me so I got back to music.

"Fuck this elevator", I heard someone curse as I removed my earphones, startled by the sudden jolt as the elevator came to a thudding stop.

The guards persistently rang the emergency bell and attempted to contact someone through the elevator's emergency landline. Realizing there was nothing I could do, I put my earphones back in, leaned against the wall, and closed my eyes, trying to block out the chaos around me.

I waited for what felt like an eternity, perhaps 10 minutes but the elevator was not really in the mood to help me get a job today.

Panic began to rush over me. What if I arrived late and they didn't allow me to appear for the interview? I took a deep breath in. I felt a suffocating sensation, less oxygen, and more smoke filling my nasal passages.

"Can you please stop smoking?" I asked the man politely, but he didn't even bother to look up.

I decided to let it go.

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