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My exams went well. Thanks to Ruhan because he helped me a lot in between exams to understand many concepts.

After exams, Ruhan left without saying goodbye but left a text briefing me about his sister's wedding. I said my goodbyes to Suhani and Ruhan and took a bus back home. I didn't really get the time to shop due to exams and my parents were attending another wedding at that same time so we all decided to go shopping.

I met them again after a really long time so we spent that whole week catching up with each other's life.

The wedding ceremonies were beginning from Friday. First haldi in the morning, Sageet on Saturday and Wedding on Sunday. But we had another wedding to attend on Friday so I had to skip Haldi. I packed accordingly.

I enjoyed that whole week with my family.


On Saturday(Sangeet)

I landed in Udaipur on Saturday evening. It was around 6 pm and the Sangeet was supposed to begin from 9 pm. I had so much to do in so less time so I hurried quickly to the venue. I reached the hotel where the wedding was taking place.

The venue was amazing. I was immediately captivated by its stunning ambiance-it was like something out of a dream.

As I entered the room, I froze for a moment, struck by its magnificence. The space was adorned with traditional architectural designs, evoking a sense of timeless beauty and grandeur. The intricate details and rich textures seemed to transport me to another era. I couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship that adorned every corner of the room. It truly felt like stepping into a royal abode, setting the perfect tone for the extravagant festivities ahead.

I quickly unpacked my suitcase and took out the saree I was going to wear tonight. It was already 7 pm and I was so hungry already. I decided to get ready and grab a bite before the ceremony commenced.

First, I slipped my blouse. As I attempted to fasten the hook at the back, I encountered a bit of difficulty. The delicate hooks seemed determined to elude my grasp, adding a touch of frustration to the hurried preparations.

I froze in place, my heart pounding against my chest as I heard the door unlocking behind me. A wave of fear washed over me, sending shivers down my spine. I held my blouse in position covering my chest.

It was Ruhan. Embarrassment flooded over me, coloring my cheeks crimson.

"What are you doing here? and How do you have the key to my room?", I asked in confusion.

He realized it was uncomfortable due to my blouse situation so he faced away giving me privacy.

"I have the key because this is my room", he said

"Your room?" I echoed, still clutching my blouse tightly against my chest, feeling even more flustered by the unexpected turn of events.

"Yes, they had to shift me to another room as there was some problem with mine. I just talked to the manager. He gave me the keys", he explained.

"I think there is some confusion here because he gave me this room", I informed.

"I'll just go and talk to him", he said walking out of the room.



I went downstairs to the reception.

"I think you have given me the key to another room. Can you please check? Someone is already there", I insisted.

"Please let me check sir", he requested. He went through his computer he realized that his colleague had given that room to Khushi earlier but it didn't show up when he gave me the key so the same room due to server issues.

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