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I walked into the class and went to my seat. I noticed that Khushi was in the seat next to me. I saw her roll her eyes while I was taking my seat. I knew she was annoyed because she saw me flirting with everyone back in the mess. I think she was the kind that thinks they are so high, mighty, and innocent. She had an attitude that was challenging my ego so I decided to play with her. I was happy as now I can finally flirt with this tiny little human being who seemed to have no interest in me but she has no option but to fall for my charm. I gave her an evil smile while moving my seat a little closer to her.

I am handsome, charming, and rich and girls love me. They fight for each other for me but this one, this one is different. She doesn't even look at me. Why? I needed to know if I was losing my charm. I needed to prove to myself that no one could ever resist me and no one could ever say no to me.

"Did you SMOKE?", she questioned me because she probably would've smelled it because I smoked before I came to the class. "Why? Am I grounded for that?", I laughed. She was angry I could see her small face turning red. Faculty entered the class, everyone greeted him good morning and the class began.

She was so angry and she kept making faces the whole lecture because she was annoyed by the smell. She tolerated it as long as she could but then she moved her seat away from me. The lecture ended and it was lunch break now. Everyone started leaving the class so I asked her, " Hey angry bird are you coming?"

"Yes I'm coming and my name is Khushi not angry Bird!", she said annoyingly.

"Maybe I should call you Red, the red angry bird. yeah!! That's perfect", I teased her. Before she could snap at me, Suhani came and asked us for lunch. We went to mess.

As I was walking Khushi caught my attention. She looked happy. She was observing everything and everyone around her and kept changing her reactions which was stupid but cute and also fun to watch. Red wasn't so RED anymore.

A few boys were playing with basketball in the open field next to the entrance of the mess.

While playing, a guy hit the ball so hard that it came straight toward us as we were entering the mess.

Red saw it but she didn't move. Everything seemed like a slow-motion film. She deflected the ball and it hit me on my left cheekbone. I saw stars in broad daylight. Everything around me started spinning around.

"I am so sorry.. sorry... I didn't mean that!! Are you hurt?? I am sorry...", red said.

I lost my temper and screamed, "Shut up liar, I know you did that on purpose!! You saw the ball coming and you didn't even try to move!! Fuck off!!"

"Why would I do that on purpose? and when I saw the ball coming I froze I didn't know what to do... I swear I didn't do this on purpose", she tried to explain.

"Fuck off Khushi... Please get out of my face!!!", I screamed again holding my cheekbone because it hurt.

She walked away. Suhani offered to take me to the infirmary on campus so I decided to let go of my anger and let Suhani take care of me. I was in a good mood again. I loved attention, specially from girls.

The doctor checked my injury, " There is nothing to worry about, just this area will remain sore for some days but apply this cream every night and it should be fine in a few days", the doctor said handing me the cream.

We were walking towards the mess and we got a mail. The rest of the lectures were canceled for the day. We were so happy. We went back to the mess, our friends were there so we sat there and had lunch.

Suhani finished quickly. She wanted to check on Khushi as she was nowhere to be found after my outburst. She kissed my injury and wished me a quick recovery.

I liked this girl, she was flirting with me. "Thank you Su", I said with a big smile as she left.

I was born into a rich family. I never had to struggle for anything. My father has a huge ceramics business in Gujarat. I don't care about studying at all but my parents at least wanted me to have a degree. That was the only reason I did my graduation in Mumbai and was now here for my MBA.

Dad would give huge donations to my university and teachers passed me in all my exams. I never had to worry about academics or anything else because, in the end, I had to take care of my father's business.

My parents promised to let me do everything as long as I was willing to handle my father's business which was fine by me. But my sister Sakshi was the opposite. She was very hard-working, sincere, and innocent. She was like my best friend Ruhan.

Ruhan is like my brother. I met him during my graduation and we have been inseparable since then. He never liked my playboy attitude and smoking habit but he accepted it and still loved me. But he positively influenced me and helped me improve over time. I had to tell him about my shit day so I quickly grabbed my phone and called him.

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