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As I entered the room, I felt some tension but before I could ask anything Devansh whispered something in Khushi's ears and left.

'What did he say", I asked her.

"Nothing, he said he hates you", she replied in a gentle tone.

I laughed, "That is very true"

"So, how are you feeling now? Does it hurt?" I inquired gently as I settled into the chair beside her bed.

She nodded silently, her gaze fixed on the wound. A sense of unease settled over me as I observed her, she seemed slightly distant, her behavior different from usual. I couldn't help but sympathize, realizing that she had been through something unimaginable.

"It's time for your medicines", the nurse entered.

She gave a few pills to Khushi and gave her an injection. "This will make you fall asleep as rest is all you need right now", the nurse said.

After a few minutes of injection, I noticed her eyelids began to drop, and her breathing slowed as the medication took effect.

"Please wait outside sir, Let her rest", the nurse insisted.

I nodded in agreement and stepped outside. I could hear the conversation between Devansh and Khushi's parents. The conversation seemed heated. I didnt intervene because whatever it was, I as an outsider had no right to get myself involved in their business.


As the days went by, Khushi remained in a state of unconsciousness, a measure taken by the doctor to ensure she got the rest she desperately needed. Despite her resistance, the medication was necessary to induce sleep and facilitate her recovery.

We hadn't talked much since the accident. 

I took a shower and got ready to go back to the hospital.

As I drove, I made up my mind to have a heart-to-heart with Khushi. It was evident that something had been weighing on her since the accident. She had been distant, avoiding eye contact and barely engaging in conversation whenever I was around.


After a period of observation, the doctor finally approved my transition to home care.

Today was finally the day I could go home. I couldn't contain my happiness after spending a whole week here. Those white ceilings and the lingering medicinal smell had become unbearable, and I longed for the comfort of my own surroundings.

"Yay finally! Please take me home already", I screamed with excitement. The nurse laughed.

"Yes I will take you home love, soon", I heard a familiar voice.

It was Devansh.

"I am going to my home, I will not come with you", I said firmly.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to see your parents alive?", he threatened me.

"I think you need a demo like that day", he said as he continued.

"Devansh please I want to stay with my parents. Please I beg you. I will come back once I recover I promise", I assured him.

"They can stay with us if you need them but you are not going anywhere", he declared.

I wanted them but I would never risk their lives. I can't let them live where this murderer lives. Having them here in-house would make it easier for him to hurt them and it was the last thing I wanted.

My parents entered the room. It was the moment they finally found the truth.

I sat up on the bed with my mother's help.

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