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Main Characters

Khushi Shah

22 years old

1st year MBA student

She was a bold and fearless soul, yet there lurked within her a profound fear of love. The thought of opening her heart to another filled her with dread, for she knew all too well the anguish that awaited her—the pain of losing the one she cherished most. With dreams aplenty waiting to be fulfilled, she stood at a crossroads, torn between surrendering to love and safeguarding her independence, her freedom.

Siddhant Patel

25 years old

Rich spoiled playboy

Ruhan Roy

25 years old

To be CEO of one of the top IT companies in Mumbai

He is a man of poise and reserve and had never known the depths of love until he laid eyes on her. At that moment, he realized with absolute certainty that she was his reason for being. Without her, life held no meaning. In her presence, he discovers a depth of emotion he never knew existed—a love so consuming, it threatens to engulf him entirely.


This is a fictional work. All the names, characters, businesses, events, places, and incidents mentioned in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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