Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love.

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“So then you both lived here?”

He nodded. I could understand why he would seem so different. It was because he’d lost everyone. Except me.

“I’m sorry” I said. I didn’t realize my hand was holding his arm. He seemed to notice that too. I moved back and let my arm drop to its side.

“So why are you making me do this? Are you going to ship this stuff off somewhere?”

He nodded. “My grandparents on my father’s side. They don’t know about vampires but none of this is going to give that away”

We moved the boxes downstairs and I realized he’d made me look through the stuff just to make sure that there wasn’t anything vampire. As it turns out his grandfather was vampire. I wondered then if he’d made me look through it myself only to ask about his family history. Did he want us to get to know each other? Did he like me that way?

But it didn’t really matter because there wasn’t that much stuff. There were five boxes and we shoved them into a closet near the door. Hopefully he’d remember to bring those with him when he went off to work on Monday.

“So now what?” I asked.

“Now I make lunch” He said. “Any requests?”

I shook my head.

Lunch turned out to be chicken like last night’s dinner. Did he think I had an obsession to chicken or something? Or did he just not have that much human food?

We ate in silence and he ended up eating some chicken too. He said that he liked it after breaking the silence.

“It’s raining” I said looking over at the window. It beat down against the roof and in some way it was sort of calming to me. Was that weird?

After finishing he washed the dishes and we went into his room for another hopefully not devastating surprise.

He pulled over three boxes.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Your clothes” He said. “From the magazine”

I opened them to reveal fabrics of every color. He had taken the time to get these and in that thought I reached up and hugged him. He was right. He wasn’t like the vampires who put your blood into jars and killed you. He was so much more than that. He seemed surprised I had came at him like that and hugged me back anyway.

“Thanks” I said.

He nodded.

“You know” I said. “With all of these clothes I’m not sure how I’m supposed to change into them sleeping in the living room”

“That reminds me” He said. I followed him out into the hall and into what used to be the music room. But now It had been transformed into a bedroom. For me.

“Did you do this all last night?” I asked. He nodded.

“How? Weren’t you tired?”

“I don’t sleep” He explained.

“Then why do you have a bed? Oh. Never mind”

“That’s not why I have a bed” He said blushing. Omg. He was blushing. That was almost legendary.

We pulled the boxes into my room and I asked him where he put the instruments if it wasn’t the music room anymore. As it turns out they were going to be put in the attic.

“Thanks” I said.


“Thanks because, I know that you’re trying to do this the best you can” As in referring to making my life as compfterble as possible in a kidnapping sort of way. But he understood that.

Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora