Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love.

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"Jasmine? What are you doing?" Stellar asked as he walked into his room even though he clearly knew what I was doing.

"Listen" I said. "I-"

He grabbed June's diary and my wrist. His grip nearly killed me as he yanked me through his room and out into the living room.

He didn't give me time to explain. Instead, he threw me down onto the couch and ordered me to sit until further notice.

As I waited I wondered what kind of secret was June hiding that made Stellar act like this. It had to have been something extremely important. Something I hadn't read yet.

Stellar returned to the living room without the diary anymore. He still didn't look too happy. He'd obviously taken the time to hide it somewhere better than underneath his bed.

"So is it like in a glass case now? With a key and everything?" I joked.

"This isn't funny" Stellar said. "What on earth did you read?"

"Nothing" I said. "Whatever you didn't want me to read, I didn't get to yet. I only read about her feeling as though she saggs in invisible chains, which only makes you look worse"

"You can't possible be trying to make me look bad here" Stellar growled. That sentence, and I was not alive anymore. Or at least I don't think so. But it wasn't those words that had inflicted me. Only the emphasis of them. The love I tried to pretend wasn't there. Our fighting was that love. Only niether of us cared a damn about that.

"You are looking bad" I said standing up and trying to defend myself. "Your the one that acts like it's okay to be a pedophile!"

"A pedophile?" Stellar asked. "This isn't something I enjoy Jasmine! And after all of this time I thought you understood it, I thought you knew"

"Knew what? That your a pedophile? Yeah I know that"

His fists clenched.

"Stop it Jasmine. Your only making it worse" He said.

"You hurt June. Your not hurting me"

"I never wanted to hurt you"

"Well you are"

I suddenly didn't want to have this conversation anymore. Tears were pooling in my eyes. And Stellar could tell that.

"Jas" He said softly. I didn't look at him. Instead, he rested a hand on my shoulder which I shook off. He had been angry but now he was just concerned obviously.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?" I said.

"No" He told me. "I'm not leaving"

In a breath, he swung me around and kissed me. And with that one kiss, the world shattered. And I knew that both of us had felt that same way. The heart splitting ache of passion. The intense warmth given in the coldest winter of the year.

And that's when I knew for sure that getting kidnapped sucks but then you fall in love.

Getting kidnapped sucks. But then you fall in love.Where stories live. Discover now