Chapter 16- Charles

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She's sitting there, on the floor of the stall that doesn't lock, and I made the decision to approach her. I'm not sure why she's here, but I can't fight the urge to ask her. I know It's a stupid idea to talk to her, ask her if she's okay. After all, I have a girlfriend. But am I happy with her? Let's face it. Janie doesn't make you happy, she never has. And next thing you know, my intrusive thoughts get the best of me.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" She doesn't answer. I'm actually not sure who She is. But I know she's sitting on the floor and something has to be wrong. I kneel down in front of her, And finally, she glances up. I take in her face; dark brown eyes, small nose, light dusting of freckles, which aren't really visible unless you're within five feet, and pink lips. Why did I look at her lips?! That was so stupid of you, Charles. But as I scan her face, I really only see the tearstains on her cheeks and how red her eyes are. My heart drops. Arcadia is crying in the boys' bathroom, and I'm sitting here like a dumbass watching.

"I know, it's stupid i'm in here. I'm gonna leave now." Her voice wobbles and it makes me want to cry by just looking at her for a split second. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Don't leave, I'll leave you alone." I don't want to, but I will. I just want her to smile, or make a sarcastic remark like all the other times she's ever talked to me. Muffled laughter comes from the girls' bathroom. Arcadia jerks her head around, with a pained expression plastered on her face. And yet again, she dips her head down and begins to sob.

I can't help it. I'm filled with sympathy and anger and I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I rush to her side and hug her agressivley. She freezes, and I look down at her.

"It's going to be okay." I try my best to smile. Is it, though? She rests her head on my shoulder after a minute and we sit there in silence until her crying ceases.

"Why?" Arcadia says after five minutes. A part me wants to keep hugging her, and not have to tell her that even though i've been dating Janie for two weeks I can't help thinking about Arcadia at least three times a day.

"Because...I don't know. I wanted to help you." I'm lying, and she knows it, but she's quiet.

"Why...why were you crying? I mean- you don't have to tell me..." She laughs, but her eyes are filled with something else. Hatred.

"Becasue two of my best friends are talking about me behind my back, and I don't know what to do. And because..." She trails off. You idiot. She likes you, and Kylie had to bring up Janie, which probably crushed her and now she's hiding out in here.

"I'm so sorry. About Kylie. know."

"Do I, Charles? You have a girlfriend and you've rejected me twice, but here I am, hugging you in the fucking bathroom. And you don't even care about me! You never-you never have." She's so wrong. I care about her so much my heart hurts, but she's also so right.

"Arcadia, you don't understand. Janie and I...we can't connect. She thinks we do...but we can't. I don't know why I chose to date her, I just though-but I DO! I do care about you, and I don't know how to tell you that-"

"Stop." She holds a hand out in front of her like that'll somehow make me stop my rant. And it does work, somehow.

"Charles, from the moment I saw you, the time I bumped into you in the hallway, I saw something. I didn't just think you were cute, or were funny. I saw you. But I was wrong, and I'm done with whatever this is. I can't keep doing this to myself." She grabs her bag, wipes her eyes, and with that she's gone.

She saw me...behind my constant snarky outlook on the world. And now, as she leaves me with my fists balled up, tears stinging at the corners of my eyes, I realize what I'm feeling. I really, truly liked her, and now she's gone, maybe for good.

This Chapter is Loosely based off of a dream I had a while ago. 

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