Chapter 13- Winnie

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I feel bad for Arcadia. Really, I do. But...she should've known how Charles would turn out. He's the same as all of them; a player.

It's time for lunch, but I have bigger plans. There's a study group for Ms. Ibbleson, and the sign-up sheet outside her door told me who's going. Norman Cozy. It's no surprise when I walk into the room and see Lillyana Deviles sitting next to him, laughing at one of his lame jokes. I feel my heartbeat speed up, and realize this may not have been a good idea. But soon Isa walks in, and winks at me. I smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace. I know Isa will find a way for me to talk to Norman, so I'm instantly at ease.

"Winnie, come sit over here!" Isa has taken the spot near Norman, but there's a seat in between them. She smiles at me, and I glare right back. I can't sit next to him, I won't be able to focus. I really want all A's this year, so I sitting next to Norman might be a setback. I won't do it.

I'm sitting next to him. And Isa...but I'm sitting next to Norman Cozy and he's helping me understand my ScopeStem assignments.

"The Connections Conten Video is the hardest, but you're really smart, so I'm sure you'll get it." I must be dreaming. This is what I've wanted since freshman year, just to sit and have a conversation with him. And now, here we are, and it's better than I ever imagined.

"Okay kiddos, time to go to your next class. Goodbye! Have a great rest of your day." Of course, Ms. Ibbleson is a buzzkill and now this moment is over.

"Norman, let's go! You should walk me to class..." Lilliyana is sugarcoating her words as she gives Norman a look. The look. Like the look she gave Mack when she wanted to make out with him in eighth grade. It worked on him, so will Norman fall for it? He looks at me, and I give him my saddest look. It's really petty of me, but can you blame me? Lillyana is being a bitch, and I'm not standing for it.

"Actually, I was going to go to class with Winnie. If that's okay with you..."

"YES! Yes. Yeah...of course. What's your next class?" I'm so stupid. I sound way too eager just to walk to my next class with my dream boy. But really, who can blame me? Isa beams at me.

"You guys are so cute together." She says, and I can tell she means it. Lillyana glares at me, and for a minute I wonder if creating an enemy out of poor Norman is really worth it. But then, he smiles at me, and my heart is filled with warmth. No matter what happens, I hope he knows how much I care about him.

"Get out, you four, before you're late for your next class!" This time, Ms. Ibbleson can't change my optimistic mood. 

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