Chapter 17- Arcadia (A Continuation of the Previous Chapter)

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I don't know why I sat there hugging him. Shane and I broke up last night, so it's not like I was cheating or anything. But Charles was. Janie is a junior, and ten times more beautiful than me, but he still claims he cares about me? I don't know what to believe.

Instead of moping, I decide it's time to stop acting like a depressed girl because that's not who I am, and I refuse to let girls who turned out to be fake tear me down. I sniffle and wipe away the last of my tears before replaying Isa's words in my head.

"Mack is great, but Charles...I just find myself falling for him, and Arcadia's getting in the way." Well I'm sooo sorry Isa, I didn't know how you felt. I burst into the girls' room.

"Okay, enough. I heard everything you had to say, and I need clarity. Isa, you like Charles. Way to be loyal! And Helga...I considered you my best friend, but I guess that's not important to you." They both freeze, and Helga reddens.

"Arcadia..." She begins. But then, Isa turns to me.

"No. You know what, Arcadia? You and Charles were never going to end up together. He doesn't like you, so stop acting like a bitch and accept reality. No one likes you anymore. I would console you about Shane, but I have to agree with him. You're a sorry excuse for a girlfriend." I'm shocked. Evidently, so is Helga, from the blank expression on her face.

"You didn't just say that," Helga sputters.

"Actually I did," Isa rolls her eyes, checking her mascara in the mirror. I look at Helga, waiting for her response. She blinks four times, our code for I'm sorry, whatever you heard was fake and I'm filled with joy and love for my true friend. We both turn to Isa, shaking our heads.

"If this is really it...good luck with Mack. Oh, and Charles. It was really great to have you around!" I say. As we leave the bathroom, I look at Helga, who grabs me into a fierce hug.

"Arcadia, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I said any of that and...I don't know, there's no excuse for my actions." I'm about to reply when we both see Charles standing about ten feet away.

"Arcadia? I um, heard what happened in the bathroom, and I didn't know you and Shane broke, uh...never mind." He turns and quickly strides away. Helga raises an eyebrow.

"He wants you." Does he, though? For now, I need to focus on my relationships with friends, and maybe try not to fail math. Sooner or later though, I know I'll have to talk to Charles.

"Party tonight at Colton Snowman's. Let's get ready together?" Without responding, we both know it's a yes. I grab Helga's hand, and we skip away towards god knows what.

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