Chapter 28- Winnie

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I didn't go to the party. If I did, I would have to face Norman and I didn't want to do that. By 'face Norman' I mean let him come up to me and talk to me. After the time we spent at his house, I won't be able to resist him.

I'm sitting on my couch with a bowl of popcorn when I get a text. I pause

The TV so I can check the message thoroughly, and it's from Isa. We haven't talked since the whole incident at Colton's party, but I'm trying not to get caught up in the feud between Arcadia and Isa. The message says, "Can you come over? I'm so bored right now, Nora's party was so boring." Suddenly, I'm sad I decided not to go, because now I really miss Norman, and now I have no choice but to agree to Isa's request. "I'll come over now", I say. Since I can't drive for shit, I yank my bike out of the pile of junk in the garage and begin the ten-minute ride to Isa's place.

Her dad answers the door and gives me a wave.

"Hey, Winnie-the-Pooh! Good to see you again." Her dad comes up with the lamest nicknames for anyone he meets. Isa comes down the stairs, gives her dad a hug, and then grabs my hand and runs up the stairs.

We sit on her bed and I stare at her, waiting for her to speak. She looks like she's deep in thought and then finally speaks up.

"I want to do something terrible. Really, really bad. I can't stand the people at our school and I need to get this off my chest." I'm honestly getting scared. I shakily respond.

"Get what off your chest? Isa, what are you planning on doing?" She goes to her closet. I draw back a bit, as if she's going to pull out a monster.

"Winnie, there's this one girl in our science class. I hate her with all my guts, and she is the biggest bitch I've ever talked to." Who? Isa, calm down and tell me what's wrong. I don't say this out loud, because I'm afraid of what will happen if I open my mouth.

"Isa, could you elaborate a little bit? I don't understand what you're trying to say." I glance at her, and she turns around, holding something behind her back.

"I need you to help me ruin Arcadia's entire life." 

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