Chapter 12-Helga

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I've never seen someone as good-looking as him before. Surrounded by friends, he laughs and shoves playfully at the guy standing to his right. I take in his sharp jawline, dark eyes, and black hair. Other than his baggy, low rise jeans, which are seriously gross to look at, he's pretty much perfect. I also notice the two girls standing and smiling next to him.

Luckily, I've been sort-of friends with Mara Enders since the beginning of ninth grade, because we participate in Science Olympiad together. She seems to always have all the gossip about people, and it's always good to have dirt on people. I can wave at Mara, and then go up and talk to her. That way I can make a good first impression on this Dreamboat. I take a step forward.

"Mara!" I exclaim, making her flinch and whip her silky black hair around to face me.

"Oh, hi Helga. See you later." She turns away to talk to the guy again. So, I try again.

Do we have math field day later?" The other girl standing next to Mara stares at me.

"Honey, she obviously doesn't want to talk you. Don't be such an attention whore." I'm shocked. Why is this girl so annoying?! My blood boils as Mara covers her mouth with her hand. What I great attempt at trying to conceal her laughter. I pivot around, but in doing so I trip on a random rock and stagger backward, failing to steady myself. But luckily I don't have to, because two arms grab me before I land on my butt in the dirt. As the guy who i've been oohing and aahing at for the past five minutes dusts off my shoulder. This is a promising gesture, because there wasn't anything there to dust off. He looks genuinely worried, which makes my heart melt.

"If you listen to Ana, you'll lose brain cells. So...don't" He offers me a smile.

"Yeah, I wasn't going to anyways." I'm not about to make myself look like a complete loser. First impression, remember? He looks at me sideways, like he's trying to figure me out just by looking at me. I hope it's not working, but then I smile and I know I've given myself away.

"I'm Nathaniel, by the way." Nathaniel. I hope i'll remember this moment forever, because no boy has ever given me a formal introduction, like this guy just has.

"Helga." He nods, slowly. Like he's playing my name in his head to remember it. I really hope he does, because from this moment on he is my next victim. At least that's what Isa would say. But I will call him my next crush for here on out. My happiness doesn't last long, because as soon as he and his posse of friends walk away, Winnie taps me on the shoulder.

"Acadia's crying Ms. Moran's class. I'm pretty sure it's because of Charles, but you'd better go find out." Great, I think now there's no way I can tell her about my interaction with Nathaniel, because I know she's been urging me to find a crush. I instantly am filled with hatred for Charles. As I make my way up the stairs, I can't help but looking back to where Nathaniel's standing. I smile to myself and rush to Ms. Moran's class. 

Whispers and Rumors: Leaves of Love, Laughter, and LiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin