Chapter 29- Isa

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It's probably a bad idea. Even I know that. But I can't shake the feeling of getting revenge on all the people that have ruined my life.

"Hello, Isa." Ms. Ibbleson waves at me. It's a Friday morning and I give her a half smile and then walk to the back of the classroom. Octavia smiles at me, but Winnie glances my way before her gaze shifts to the paper on her desk.

"What, Winnie? Are you scared or something?" Winnie glares at me and Octavia's expression becomes cloudy.

"What are you two talking about?" We both whip our heads around and say, "NOTHING." She raises up her hands in defense and reaches into her bag to pull out a Clif Bar.

Once first period ends, I make my way to the gym for PE and notice Arcadia talking to Charles. What the fuck, I think, remembering our little conversation we'd had literally yesterday. They look so happy, and it makes my skin crawl. Why couldn't I have this one thing?! She always has to ruin everything. Although it's petty of me, I decide to go up to them.

"Hey, you too! Good to see you, Charles." I give them both a big smile and touch Charles' arm. He jerks away and puts his arm around Arcadia instead, who leans into him a bit.

"Aw, Arcadia, your nose! How did that happen...oh wait, it's when Janie punched you right? Because Charles and Mack were fighting over me." Charles rolls his eyes and Arcadia just gapes at me. She looks so stupid, it gives me a little satisfaction.

"Fuck off, Isa. I don't think Arcadia wants to go to the trouble of getting a restraining order." She covers her mouth, probably to cover her smile. I choose to walk away, because even I realize I probably look like an Idiot.

Finally, It's time for sixth period, and as I walk out of the classroom I notice Mack. He's walking towards his locker, so I maneuver in front of him and lean against the cool metal.

"What do you want." It's more of a remark then a question. I give him a sad look that I know will win him over.

"Mack, I've missed you. I really loved you, and I was so drunk I thought Charles was you!" He stares at me blankly. I understand why. Mack is 6'1, with short blondish hair. He always wears white hoodies and tan pants for some reason. On the other hand, Charles is 5'9 and has dark brown hair with light brown skin. He wears gray sweatpants and a black shirt or hoodie like three times a week.

"Isa, I'm not stupid. Charles and I have already talked and he made everything crystal clear to me." I stare down at my shoes.

"Bros before Hoes." He says, before walking off. I can't believe what just happened. I want to cry, but I also feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"See you at the Halloween dance", I mutter under my breath.

That night, I'm busy getting ready. I have to bring a handbag, because I have a few things I need to bring. Once I'm all dressed up in a black corset and miniskirt, complete with boots and a witch hat, I stride downstairs and let my mom take some pictures. We climb into the car and I replay the plan in my head. Finally, I check my purse. Lip gloss. Check. Phone. Check. ID. Check...Plan of action.


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